What's here is a decent start, but what's needed is a bit more step-by-step, hand-holding information in my opinion. We also need to stay away from jargon and acronyms as much as possible (and when we have a good glossary, we'll need to judiciously link from here to there).
Another big need here is something that's more, well, ''integrated''. Ideally I'd like to see one single pathway for creating accounts. I don't know if this is even possible (if it isn't, splitting it up via pathways may be the best choice), but of all the documents in Help, this one '''must''' be the clearest one. If the user can't get through this one, he definitely won't get through any of the others.
Finally, this'll require screenshots. I don't know what'll happen there as image uploads aren't currently enabled on the wiki, but it's a consideration for what will eventually need to happen.
This page will detail the process involved with initial account setup in Thunderbird, along with creating additonal Email, Movemail, RSS News and Blogs, or Newsgroup accounts.
<!-- <Nilson> This page is preliminary, so do feel free to make large corrections to either my layout or structure. I am not very farmiliar with the Wiki yet. -->