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199 bytes added, 21:11, 21 March 2011
CSS Style Attributes task updates, emailed Ted and Hixie accordingly
Specifications, efforts and summary status:
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS_Style_Attributes|CSS Style Attributes]]: Achieved Candidate Recommendation (CR). Possible next steps, Next action: test cases/suite to help exit CR.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_Color|CSS3 Color]]: Achieved Proposed Recommendation (PR). Awaiting CSS 2.1 to reach PR.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_UI|CSS3 UI]]: editing CR toward producing a new LCWD.
===== remaining tasks =====
* email test suite ** expecting to work with Ted O'Connor of Apple on this ===== waiting for =====* Ted O'Connor answer whether he can help with test suite / implementation reports.** emailed 2011-080* Hixie to update reference to CSS Style Attributes draft in [ HTML5 References]** emailed 2011-080
See also CSSWG wiki task list:
Canmove, confirm

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