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ReMo Tools and Resources
To make it easier, faster and more efficient to organize/participate in events, obtain sponsorship for Mozilla-related travel and order/customize swag, Mozilla Reps have access to a specific set of tools and resources.
=== Budget request form === If a Mozilla Rep wants to request sponsorship to attend a conference, request a specific budget to organize a community event, or request reimbursement for a previously approved activity, all the Mozilla Rep needs to do is [[ReMo/User Flow/Request Budget|fill out a special form]] which will be reviewed by the Mozilla Reps council (see below) and approved/rejected within a week. === Swag request form === If a Mozilla Rep wants to [[ReMo/User Flow/Request Swag|request swag]], all the Mozilla Rep needs to do is fill Find out a special form which will be reviewed by the Mozilla Reps council and approved/rejected within a week. === Events Toolkit === Various printable and downloadable materials exist to help Mozilla Reps spread the word about Mozilla and educate people about specific areas of the project. '''Print collateral, presentation templates, slide decks and videos are available for download [[ReMo/Toolkit|here]]'''. === Mozilla Reps SOPs === Mozilla Reps are involved in variety of processes and procedures, called SOPs, that ensure that the program works smoothly and in a consistent way. An SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is a written document or instruction detailing all steps and activities of a process or procedure. '''[more [ReMo/SOPsTools_and_Resources|All Mozilla Reps SOPs are described here]]'''.
== ReMo Events ==

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