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1,230 bytes added, 22:42, 6 April 2011
prefer media query selector, use two word form of CSS terms for consistency with DOM terms
While a Document is in the fullscreen state, and the document's current fullscreen element is an element in the document, the 'full-screen' pseudoclass applies to that element. Also, an <iframe>, <object> or <embed> element whose child browsing context's Document is in the fullscreen state has the 'full-screen' pseudoclass applied.
New CSS media typequery selector: * <code>full-screen</code> that accepts two states:
* fullscreen<code>on</code>* <code>off</code>
While a Document is in the fullscreen state, the fullscreen media type is active for the document.
/* In fullscreen mode, if the root element itself is not fullscreen then
we should hide the viewport scrollbar. */
@media fullscreen all and (full-screen:on) {
:root:not(:full-screen) {
3. Hide advertisements while the window is fullscreen.
@media fullscreen all and (full-screen:on) {
.advertisement { display:none; }
Whichever we pick, we should be consistent, e.g., EITHER:
1. one word
* '''fullscreen'''
** :fullscreen
** media query selector feature: fullscreen
** cancelFullscreen()
** requestFullscreen()
2. two words
* '''full screen'''
** :full-screen
** media query selector feature: full-screen
** cancelFullScreen()
** requestFullScreen()
** requestFullScreenWithKeys()
3. come up with a good case (e.g. CSS vs DOM) to split them consistently:
* '''full screen'''
** :fullscreen
** media query selector feature: fullscreen
** cancelFullScreen()
** requestFullScreen()
** requestFullScreenWithKeys()
=== media type vs media query selector ===
<code>@media fullscreenfull-screen</code> vs. <code>@media all and (full-screen: on)</code> Originally spec'd: New CSS media type: * full-screen While a Document is in the fullscreenstate, the full-screen media type is active for the document.  Per discussion among [[User:Fantasai]], [[User:Roc]], [[User:Tantek]] a media query selector for the fullscreen state (on or off) may be better, e.g. it can be combined with all media types: <code>@media all and (full-screen: on)</code> or can be special cased for specific media types: <code>@media handheld and (full-screen: on)</code> <code>@media screen and (full-screen: on)</code> <code>@media tv and (full-screen: on)</code> If we resolve the naming issue based on one word rather than two, then we'll rename this CSS feature accordingly ( :fullscreen , media query selector "fullscreen" )
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