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Legal/Infringement Notices

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(Note: I'm reorganizing this list and moving each notice to individual wiki pages for better organization, starting with the oldest. The current list (and the new one) are in reverse chronological order. When a date is missing from the notice, I'm using the name or company name of the notice instead)
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/12 March 2010 2|12 March 2010]] - Al Rio Art
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/12 March 2010|12 March 2010]] - Perou / Camera Press
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/Lauren Bavin|Lauren Bavin]]
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/Christine-Ann Martin|Christine-Ann Martin]]
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/Alc Press|Alc Press Inc.]]
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/16 February 2010|16 February 2010]] - UpYourArt / Studio 43
* [[Legal/Infringement Notices/Lugene Christner|Lugene Christner]]
<br>  Electronic Notice of Claimed Infringement  Date: 03/12/10  Harvey Anderson<br>Mozilla Corporation<br>650 Castro Street, Suite 300<br>Mountain View, CA 94041<br>Email: dmcanotice at mozilla dot com<br>Phone Number: 650-903-0800<br>Fax: 650-903-0875  Dear Mozilla:  I, the undersigned, state UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that  *I am, the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner,<br>of certain intellectual property rights ("IP Owner");<br>* I have a good faith belief that the listings identified below offer items<br>or contain materials that are not authorized by<br>the IP Owner, its agent, or the law, and therefore infringe the IP<br>Owner's rights; and<br>* The information in this notice is accurate. Please act expeditiously to remove the listings identified in the<br>addendum.  I May Be Contacted At<br>Name of IP Owner: Al Rio Art<br>Name and Title: Terry Maltos - Owner<br>Company: Big T Productions, Inc.<br>Address: 1340 Barnsley Walk<br>City, State, and Zip:* Snellville, GA 30078<br>Email address:<br>Telephone: 770-978-9425  Work(s) infringed:<br>Marvel Villians by Al Rio<br>  As taken from our web site here:<br>  <br>  Truthfully,  /S/: Terry Maltos<br>  <br>  ---- <br>  CAMERAPRESS<br>  21 Queen Elizabeth Street<br>  London SE1 2PD<br>  +44 (0) 20 7378 1300<br>  12th march 2010  We are writing re image of PIXIE LOTT By perou you have downloadable<br>on your Firefox Personas site. This image is copyright Perou and is licensed via<br>Camera Press and can only be placed anywhere with Pixie Lott’s agent’s request..  Your site is thereby infringing copright laws by displaying it and making it downloadable.<br>Such a use would require both the photographer and the sitter’s permission and it has not<br>been neither requested nor given.  Please now remove the image from your sight and inform the people who have downloaded it to do the same. The image is displayed at<br><br> <br>If you can forward me the details of the person who illegally supplied theimage<br>To your site I would be grateful..  I believe in good faith that the use of the material (Pixie Lott) infringes our copyright and is not authorized by law, nor by the copyright owner, nor by ourselves who are the owner's agent; and,<br>that all the information contained in my DMCA Notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I confirm that I am authorized to act on behalf of the photographer Perou whose exclusive copyright right is being infringed.  Sincerely  Jacqui Ann Wald<br>Editorial Director<br><br>  ---- <br>  DCMA Notice  Harvey Anderson<br>Mozilla Corporation<br>650 Castro Street, Suite 300<br>Mountain View, CA 94041  DCMA Notice&nbsp;:  I, Lauren Bavin am the original artist and copyright holder of the following products <br>Beyond Twilight Value Collection and Still Waters Page Kit .  These products have been used without permission in Firefox Personas located <br><br>and<br>by User Lala2010  I believe in good faith that the use of this material infringes my copyright is not authorized by law, that all of the information contained in myDMCA Notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you am the owner of the exclusive copyright right that is being infringed.  My contact details are  Lauren Bavin<br>[street address removed]<br>Birkenhead<br>Auckland 0626<br>New Zealand<br>Ph [phone number removed]<br>email&nbsp;:  <br>Lauren Bavin<br>Head Designer<br>Digital Scrapbook Place Inc.<br>  <br>  ---- <br>  DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement ("Notice")<br>----------------------------------------------  I wish to report the unauthorised modification and upload of five of my <br>original artworks to Mozilla's which I alone created and <br>for which I hold the sole copyright.  The images in question are listed below with links to the original<br>material in my Deviant Art gallery (where my username is Velvet--Glove<br>and from which the original images were taken) followed by links to<br>the infringing images on All images were taken by user <br>"candelora", modified for use as a "Persona" and added to <br>, all without my knowledge or consent.  <br>1. Original:<br><br>Copy:<br>  <br>2. Original:<br><br>Copy:<br>  <br>3. Original:<br><br>Copy:<br>  <br>4. Original:<br><br>Copy:<br>  <br>5. Original<br><br>Copy:<br>  <br>  My full legal name and contact details are as follows:<br>Name: Christine-Ann Martin<br>Address: [street address removed], Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 6LS, UK<br>Tel: (Private - can be supplied on request if necessary)<br>Email:  I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of<br>the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its<br>agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use).  I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and,<br>under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on<br>behalf of the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the<br>copyright that is allegedly infringed.  I sincerely hope that you will remove these images from your servers as<br>soon as possible.  Yours sincerely,  Christine-Ann Martin  NB. See attached image for electronic copy of my physical signature  <br>  ---- <br>  Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice<br>Harvey Anderson<br>Mozilla Corporation<br>650 Castro Street, Suite 300<br>Mountain View, CA 94041  Dear Harvey Anderson,  I notify under mentioned website infringes copyright of "Eijiro". On behalf of ALC PRESS<br>INC. as Eijiro's copyright agent authorized by the copyright owner, I request you to take<br>reasonable action as soon as possible.  Website: hUps://  At the above website "Eijiro" was illegally copied  I believe in good faith that the use of "Eijiro" that I claim infringes our copyright is not<br>authorized by law, or by ALC PRESS INC. All of the information contained in my DMCA<br>Notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that I am a person authorized to act on<br>behalf of an owner of, the the exclusive copyright right that is being infringed.  Regards,<br>K.Saga<br>Director<br>ALC PRESS INC.<br>2-54-12, Eifukucho, Suginami-ku,<br>Tokyo, 168-8611 JAPAN<br>Tel: 03-3323-1275<br>Fax: 03-3323-0433<br>e-mail:<br><br>

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