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122 bytes added, 23:06, 24 July 2011
link to placeholder pseudo-class definition
** additional pseudo-selectors as needed for states/portions included in HTML5 forms elements features
*** "placeholder" attribute - needs a new :-moz-placeholder pseudo-class ([ bug 457801])
**** [[ :placeholder]] pseudo-class needs to be proposed for CSS3.1 UI/Selectors.
* typography
** font properties
***** all suggested to replace 'contentEditable': [ www-style: Implementing contentEditable in CSS3 UI]
** other CSS features that are UI related in other CSS or other W3C specs
*** [[ :placeholder]] pseudo-class. related: [ bug 457801]
*** '''overflow-x overflow-y'''. incorporate '''[ overflow-x]''' and '''[ overflow-y]'''
**** pull-in the entirety of section 16 from
Canmove, confirm

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