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164 bytes added, 03:59, 16 August 2011
updates summary of work items, status, upcoming events
I'm a Mozilla contractor working with Chris Blizzard and the web [[standards]] team, focused on specification work, especially around web applications user interfaces and social/identity open web technologies. I participate in standards related [[events]] for both official organizations like W3C, and grass-roots efforts like microformats and ActivityStreams. If you have feedback for these groups, let me know!
Specifications, efforts == Summary of work items ==Summary of work items / general next actions and summary status:* CSS/ [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#HTML5_spec_improvements|HTML5]] / DOM
** CSSWG 2011-2013 charter:
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_UI|CSS3 UI]]: (pointer-events, hit-testing)*** editing CR toward producing a new LCWD.** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#Full_Screen|CSS Full Screen]] - needs a first draft specification. Start with (editing here: [[Gecko:FullScreenAPI]].)*** writing first WD draft specification, awaiting CC0+OWFa approval
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS_Style_Attributes|CSS Style Attributes]]: Achieved Candidate Recommendation (CR). Next action: test suite to help exit CR.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_Color|CSS3 Color]]: Achieved Proposed Recommendation (PR). Waiting REC, gathering editorial issues for: CSS 2.1 to reach PR, so that CSS3 Color can go REC2nd edition.** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#UI_Layout|CSS UI Layout: Flexbox and , Grid, Regions]]: Updated Flexbox public WD imminentdraft iterating well. Grid still needs iteration to simplify simple cases.** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_Element|CSS3 Element]]: decide which draft to get it into (separate draftRegion needs both simplification of simple cases, Values and Units) and update draft accordinglymore details of algorithms.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS4_UI|CSS4 UI]]: collecting ideas, features, proposals towards writing a FPWD.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS4_Color|CSS4 Color]]: collecting ideas, features, proposals towards writing a FPWD.
* [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#HTML5_spec_improvements|HTML5]]: ** follow-up on rejected/accepted spec improvement suggestions, figuring out next-steps for anything rejected** figure auto-close p issue. awaiting feedback from HTML5 Superfriends... then blog or email public-html about it.* [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#DOM_API_vendor_prefixing|DOM API vendor prefixing]]: discussing internally at Mozilla to build consensus, set a good example.* Identity / vCard4 / hCard/microformats** [[vCard4]]: waiting-for responses to feedback review last call draft, document "the good parts" subset.** '''hCard 1.1''' (incorporate resolved issues), '''hCard 2.0''' update based on draft 15 to vcarddav groupmicroformats 2.0 + vCard4 good parts* '''Web Applications''' / '''Web Actions''' / '''Web Activities'''* [[Standards]] groups/community participation** W3C: CSSWG, HTMLWG, updated draft TPAC** IETF: VCARDDAV (16?vCard4) ** Community: OWF, microformats, WHATWG, Portable Contacts / OpenID / OAuth* Open Web Standards [[Events]]/Speaking: ** dConstruct, BarCampBrighton, Web 2.0 Expo NYC, CSSWG f2f meetings* ... with at least some of my requested changes being acceptedadditions and removals as Tantek and Blizzard see fit
See below for more details on each.
==== CSS3 Element ====
===== write up moz-element proposal function =====
Firefox 4 implements background: -moz-element(#foo); to use element with id foo as the background per
We're pursuing adding element(#foo) as an "at-risk" feature to the CSS3 Values and Units module.
Proposal (worked with Tab Atkins)
* latest: [ added to CSS3 Image editor's draft]
* CSS image() value - which Tab Atkins is already writing has written it up* Add both to CSS3 Values and Units as at risk for taking it quickly to CR** in addition to the calc() work that David Baron is already doing in CSS3 Values and Units.
==== CSS4 Color ====
Canmove, confirm

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