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Thunderbird:Help Documentation:Keyboard Shortcuts

2,562 bytes added, 19:08, 3 January 2005
Explaining why this isn't a platform-specific topic, seeding with example bogus content -- note the editing comment!
The table will include keyboard shortcuts for all applications covered in the app-specific areas. It will be in one file, with the visibility of columns controlled via platform-specific CSS. This is technically doable, but it may require a little extra hacking, because we unfortunately can't set <code>display: none</code> on table columns (the W3-specified way is <code>visibility: collapse</code>, with <code>collapse</code> being the only recognized value for the property).

<!-- Editing Note:

The keyboard shortcut modifiers aren't exactly specified as Control, Shift, Alt, etc. in the app. The specification is actually something like:

meta - corresponds to Ctrl on Win/Linux, Cmd on Mac
alt - Alt on Win/Linux, Opt on Mac
control - Ctrl on all platforms
shift - Shift on all platforms
return - Enter on Win/Linux, Return on Mac

This makes things somewhat complicated, but overall it's not as bad as one would think. This also lets us make things look good on all platforms by using the proper terminology.

What's this mean? Basically, never use "Ctrl/Alt/Shift/Return", and instead type them as "META", "ALT", "CONTROL", "SHIFT", and "RETURN". The reason for this is that the help docs won't stay in this wiki when they've matured - they'll get moved into the main source repository, and using all-caps refs will make it easy to do search-and-replaces to have everything work correctly when it's embedded in the application.

Finally, please wrap all keys inside a <kbd/> element, as that's how it'll be done in the help docs. Sure, it looks ugly when you look at it on the wiki page because Wikimedia is evil, but it's better for actually getting it into the main source code eventually.

Do this: Not this:
<kbd>META</kbd>+<kbd>J</kbd> <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>J</kbd>, <kbd>Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>J</kbd>
<kbd>CONTROL</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd> <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd>
<kbd>ALT</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd> <kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd>, <kbd>Opt</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd>
SHIFT+F5 <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>F5</kbd>


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