no edit summary
*If a user visits on desktop, there will be a promo to encourage users to go on their mobile device
*I suggest a partnership with Lightbox or Vignette, Android camera apps (a la instagram), to use their photo filters in exchange for helping to advertise their application.
=== Possible technologies: ===
*Camera API<br>
*CSS [https://mozillademos.org/demos/holo-mobile/pixels/ hologram], [http://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/06/rofox-a-css3-animations-demo/ animations]*[https://mozillademos.org/demos/motivational/demo.html# Touch events]
*Other demos: “[https://mozillademos.org/demos/motivational/demo.html# motivational poster]”
=== User flow:<br> ===
*User visits “holidaycampaign.mozilla.org” on their mobile device
**If user visits from desktop, will be prompted to go on their mobile - site will have device detection.
**Desktop users will also be able to use their webcam or upload photo
*Landing page will have button to take photo directly in the site ([https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1albEBOaPGP9eFHbAAyW6Ikkxg32U0Co9M29UpEaUtxk/edit?hl=en_US mock-up])
*User is then taken to a page where he/she can add simple HTML5 magic, photo filters and text ([https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1U-LlCW-QCJ_No9-JiCapUqEkK3RLvDjIj8jD3qH1Bh0/edit?hl=en_US mock up])
*Last page will have options to share on Facebok/Twitter/email and more information on Firefox for Android, and download button
**The shared content will also have a download button as well as link to /mobile
==Marketing plan==<br>
*Online ads
**Blogs: Mashable, TechCrunch, Huffington Post, other techie hipster blogs
**Search: Google, Yahoo, Bing
*Mobile ads
*Co-marketing with Lightbox/Vignette
*Firefox channels
**mozilla.org promotions
**social media
**community <br>
== Other: ==