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181 bytes added, 23:36, 4 October 2011
Security: noted security review, sorted security sections newest first
== Security ==
Date of discussion: 2011Discussions documented newest first.04.11
Security Concerns:* Ability of website to enter fullscreen and pre=== Discussion 2011-empt keyboard focus* User interaction currently not required for entering full screen mode* Fullscreen could be used as an attack vectorResponses:* There is a mode called without keys that does not take keyboard input* Focus is released on tab change or window changePossible Remediations:* ESC key should be used to exit, similar to other well known apps users are familiar with* A user preference should be available for users to say allow full-screen or dis10-allow full screen for a given URL domain (Ie. Popup or geolocation preferences)03 ===* Possible use of some indicator to show a user they are in full-screen mode* Possible use of permission manager* Plug-ins should be disabled when in full-screen mode To-Do* Re-review as spec firms up and code begins to land[[Security/Reviews/Firefox10/CodeEditor/FullScreenAPI]]
=== Discussion 2011-04-21 ===Jesse's concerns ===Added , added 2011-04-21.
I'm worried about having a full screen mode that does not require user permission. In particular, I have three concerns:
''Jesse 2011-08-18'': Interesting to note that IE previously had fullscreen=yes but [ removed it in WinXP SP2].
=== Discussion 2011-04-11 ===
Date of discussion: 2011.04.11
Security Concerns:
* Ability of website to enter fullscreen and pre-empt keyboard focus
* User interaction currently not required for entering full screen mode
* Fullscreen could be used as an attack vector
* There is a mode called without keys that does not take keyboard input
* Focus is released on tab change or window change
Possible Remediations:
* ESC key should be used to exit, similar to other well known apps users are familiar with
* A user preference should be available for users to say allow full-screen or dis-allow full screen for a given URL domain (Ie. Popup or geolocation preferences)
* Possible use of some indicator to show a user they are in full-screen mode
* Possible use of permission manager
* Plug-ins should be disabled when in full-screen mode
* Re-review as spec firms up and code begins to land
== Issues ==
Canmove, confirm

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