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Software Update:MAR

28 bytes added, 15:29, 23 November 2011
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Zero or more SIGNATURE_ENTRYs can be specified.
The signatures must be composed of all bytes of the MAR file excluding the `<tt>SIGNATURE_ENTRY.Signature` </tt> fields.Each contained `<tt>SIGNATURE_ENTRY.Signature` </tt> must be of type `<tt>SIGNATURE_ENTRY.SignatureAlgorithmID`</tt>.
== SIGNATURE_ENTRY.SignatureAlgorithmID ==
The updater will only accept the MAR file if at least one of the signatures verifies.
Some versions of the updater may not apply a MAR file unless a valid signature of a particular `<tt>SIGNATURE_ENTRY.SignatureAlgorithmID` </tt> is included in the MAR file.
As of Firefox 10, only RSA-PKCS1-SHA1 signatures are accepted.

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