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24 bytes added, 22:54, 21 February 2012
Apps engineering - webrt, webapi, dashboard, sync service
* Meeting notes: [ Apps/StatusMeetings]
== Apps engineering Engineering - webrtWebRT, webapiWebAPI, dashboardDashboard, sync service Apps in the Cloud ==
* What: Engineering and UX discussions for everything other than the Marketplace
* When: Tuesdays 9:00 - 10:00 AM pacific00AM Pacific* Where: Mtthe [ html&key=GSAT2ujy1RDw Mozilla Apps Vidyo room]** In Mountain View 4 : 4K - Kung Fu, Public - Vidyo** In San Francisco: "Mozilla Apps" 7N - see Notes page below for how to dial in.Noise Pop* Meeting notesNotes: [ [Apps/StatusMeetings]]
== Show and Tells ==
Canmove, confirm

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