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HTML5 Games/BananaBread

2 bytes added, 21:36, 12 March 2012
Specific Tasks
* Package the game for distribution so it is easy to just visit a website and have the game start up and run.
* Profile the game, finding possible bottlenecks in JavaScript, WebGL, etc., file bugs in browsers.
* Find how much we can do on the web, what size maps, what shaders, etc. we can run while keeping the frame rate high.
* Push for the necessary improvements, both in browsers themselves (JavaScript JITs, WebGL engines, etc.) and in compiler technology for porting code to JavaScript. We can then work to improve performance in those areas, using this game as a benchmark. * We also want to end up with a playable, fun game, not just a demo. Also, the game will be open in all aspects, from code to artwork, and usable by others both commercially and noncommercially. We don't want just a simple tech demo that shows "hey, look what we can do on the web" but we also want to provide something that people can actually use to power their own games, projects and startups. To make that possible, the code is zlib (a permissive open source license), and the art assets are CC-BY or CC-BY-SA (which allow commercial use).

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