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60 bytes added, 11:59, 22 March 2012
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#B2G devices will be shipped with a root Trusted Store which has the power to set the permissions defaults for an Web App.
#The user can choose to override these permissions (either granting or revoking privileges), but by default the permissions should be safe for the user, and represent the minimum permissions the application needs to run.
=== Security Requirements for Critical App Deployment ===
Still under heavy discussion. (Trusted Stores, Code Signing etc)
*Which permissions will be classed as sensitive
*What will the minimum bar be
** Trusted App Host?
** Code Signing?
** Both? Something Else?
*Will there even be a separate set of requirements, or will threats be mitigated by App Store processes instead?
== Proposals ==
*** User visits to install WidgetIncApp which contains a pointer to ACME Store
*** Runtime queries ACME Store to see what permissions should be given to WidgetIncApp
=== Security Requirements for Critical App Deployment ===
Still under heavy discussion. (Trusted Stores, Code Signing etc)
* Which permissions will be classed as sensitive
* what will the minimum bar be
* Will there even be a separate set of requirements, or will threats be mitigated by App Store processes instead?
=== [ FLASK] and SELinux for enforcing permissions ===
Canmove, confirm

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