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953 bytes added, 20:49, 22 March 2012
Secure Application Distribution
= Secure Application Distribution =
This section defines how trust is to be established between all four parties: B2G developers, Application developers, users and stores.
== Requirements ==
== Proposals ==
= Application Permissions Enforcement =
This section defines how permissions are to be enforced at the Operating System (kernel) level. B2G is defined as a "full Operating System" and thus requires kernel-level enforcement of permissions (A Linux Kernel based Security Model).
== Requirements ==
== Proposals ==
= Permissions Definitions and Presentation =
This section discusses the actual permissions to be enforced, and how and what should be presented to the user.
== Requirements ==
== Proposals ==
= Standard web security =
Standard web security has a key role to play in B2G. This section defines and delineates the scope of where standard web security (typically involving XSS) is appropriately deployed and used within B2G and B2G applications.
== Scope ==
== Requirements ==
== Proposals ==

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