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521 bytes removed, 16:20, 25 March 2012
summary updates
Hi, I'm [[User:Tantek|Tantek Çelik]], and you've found my list of Mozilla related projects that I'm working on with Mozilla.
I'm a Mozilla employee working with Chris Blizzard and the web [[standards]] team, focused work on specification workspecifications, especially around web applications user interfaces and social/identity open web technologies. I participate in various standards related groups, and help coordinate Mozilla's work on [[eventsstandards]] for both official organizations like W3C, and grass-roots efforts like microformats and ActivityStreams. If you have feedback for these groups, let me know! __TOC__
== Summary of work items ==
* CSS / [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#HTML5_spec_improvements|HTML5]] / DOM
** CSSWG 2011-2013 charter:
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_UI|CSS3 UI]] (pointer-events, hit-testing)*** editing CR toward producing Achieved LCWD2. Next action: collect LCWD comment, produce disposition a new LCWDCR (CR2).
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#Full_Screen|CSS Full Screen]] (editing here: [[Gecko:FullScreenAPI]])
*** writing Next: write first public WD draft specification, awaiting incorporating CC0+OWFa approval** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#UI_Layout|CSS UI Layout: Flexbox, Grid, Regions]]: Flexbox draft iterating well. Grid still needs iteration to simplify simple cases. Region needs both simplification of simple cases, and more details of algorithms.into broader blogpost** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS_Style_Attributes|CSS Style Attributes]]: Achieved Candidate Recommendation (CR). Next action: test suite to help exit CR.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_Color|CSS3 Color]]: Achieved REC, gathering editorial issues for 2nd edition.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS4_UI|CSS4 UI]]: collecting collect ideas, features, pointer-events, hit-testing, proposals towards writing a FPWD.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS4_Color|CSS4 Color]]: collecting ideas, features, proposals towards writing a FPWD.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#DOM_API_vendor_prefixing|DOM API vendor prefixing]]: discussing internally at Mozilla to build consensus, set a good example.
* Identity / vCard4 / hCard/microformats
** [[vCard4]]: review last call draftpublished RFC, document "the good parts" subset.
** '''hCard 1.1''' (incorporate resolved issues), '''hCard 2.0''' update based on microformats 2.0 + vCard4 good parts
* '''Web Applications''' / '''[[WebActions|Web Actions]]''' / '''Web Activities'''
** IETF: VCARDDAV (vCard4)
** Community: OWFIndieWeb, microformats, OWF, WHATWG, Portable Contacts, OpenID, OAuth(2)/xAuth, RelMeAuth, Activity Streams
* Open Web Standards [[Events]]/Speaking:
** IndieWebCamp, dConstruct, BarCampBrighton, Web 2.0 Expo NYC, TPAC, CSSWG f2f meetings* ... with additions and removals as Tantek and Blizzard see fitit makes sense.
* Additional Mozilla projects I've contributed to:
Canmove, confirm

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