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1,620 bytes added, 23:52, 17 May 2012
rework HTML5 section with current list of priority items, and other HTML5 related tasks
<div class="note">I work on web standards, edit specifications, participate in working groups, and help coordinate Mozilla's work on <span class="p-category category">[[standards]]</span> in general. Here are some of my areas of focus:
* Web Platform: <span class="p-category category">[[#HTML5|HTML5]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[microformats]]</span> (<span class="p-category category">[[hCard]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[hCalendar]]</span>), <span class="p-category category">[[CSS]]</span> (<span class="p-category category">[[CSS3]]</span>), <span class="p-category category">[[WebAPI/ContactsAPI|ContactsAPI]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[WebActions]]</span>.
* [[Standards]] Communities: <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#W3C|W3C]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#microformats|]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#WHATWG|WHATWG]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#VCARDDAV|VCARDDAV]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#OWF|OWF]]</span>.
* Contributing: <span class="p-category category">[[Mozillians]]</span> ([[Mozillians/Phonebook|Phonebook]], [[Mozillians/Events_Manager|Events Manager]]).
* Review
* ... add more suggestions here
== HTML5 ==
As a foundational technology, everything else (microformats, CSS3, WebApps, etc.) depend on getting [[HTML5]] right, and fixing problems in the <span id="HTML5_spec_improvements">HTML5 spec</span>.
* <code>&lt;time&gt;</code> element - from [ W3C wiki: time element issues]. Just need to keep a watch on these issues in the HTMLWG telcons, [ list], [ irc] and make sure the proposals are accepted (if not already), spec changes made (if not already), and issues closed accordingly.
** [ Issue 183]: [ &lt;time&gt; element change proposal] (developed on wikimo: [[HTML5/time#expand_time|HTML5/time]])
*** [ incorporated in spec], awaiting issue closure.
** [ Issue 184]: [ &lt;data&gt; element change proposal]
*** [ incorporated in WHATWG spec], awaiting inclusion in W3C HTML5 spec, issue closure.
** [ Issue 185]: [ drop pubdate attribute change proposal]
*** [ incorporated in spec] (absence of pubdate), awaiting issue closure.
=== needs re-consideration ===
These items need re-evaluation to see if they're still important to get into HTML5, lower priority, or can be postponed to HTML next.
Next: follow-up on each, determining next steps on rejected proposals, and update [[HTML5#spec_issues|HTML5: spec issues]] accordingly.
==== summary naming ====
Moved to [[HTML5/summary#summary_naming|HTML5/summary]]
==== keeping crappy stuff out ====
===== simplify alt attribute guidance =====
Moved to [[HTML5/img#alt_guidance_needs_simplification|HTML5/img]].
===== remove meta Content-Language =====
Moved to [[HTML5/meta#remove_meta_Content-Language|HTML5/meta]]
==== upgrade HTML4 features to be more flexible and usable ====
==== restoring pragmatic HTML4 things ====
Moved to [[HTML5/cite#names_of_speakers|HTML5/cite]].
==== improving new features ====
===== iframe sandbox removal =====
Moved to [[HTML5/iframe#drop_sandbox_attribute|HTML5/iframe]].
=== lower priority improvements ===
* <code>&lt;meter&gt;</code> - poorly named. would prefer something like "gauge" but that's potentially hard(er) to spell. this is a bit bikesheddy though so not a high priority.
=== HTML next ===
Proposals/changes deferred to the next version of HTML (often dependent on more/better use-cases, and/or better implementation of HTML5 as defined so far).
==== nesting time ====
Moved to [[HTML5/time#nesting_time|HTML5/time]]. am pm handling too.
== Web Apps ==
** 2011-207 [ asked Hixie on #whatwg].
=== HTML5 spec improvements ===
A set of tasks/projects for improving the state of the [[HTML5]] specification. Proposals will be moved to separate pages once mature enough for submission to [[standards]] bodies.
Most of this has been moved to [[HTML5#spec_issues|HTML5: spec issues]].
Next: follow-up on each, determining next steps on rejected proposals.
==== waiting for HTML5 improvements ====
==== keeping crappy stuff out ====
===== simplify alt attribute guidance =====
Moved to [[HTML5/img#alt_guidance_needs_simplification|HTML5/img]].
===== remove meta Content-Language =====
Moved to [[HTML5/meta#remove_meta_Content-Language|HTML5/meta]]
==== upgrade HTML4 features to be more flexible and usable ====
==== restoring pragmatic HTML4 things ====
Moved to [[HTML5/cite#names_of_speakers|HTML5/cite]].
==== improving new features ====
===== iframe sandbox removal =====
Moved to [[HTML5/iframe#drop_sandbox_attribute|HTML5/iframe]].
===== summary naming =====
Moved to [[HTML5/summary#summary_naming|HTML5/summary]]
===== expand time =====
Moved to [[HTML5/time#expand_time|HTML5/time]]
===== nesting time =====
Moved to [[HTML5/time#nesting_time|HTML5/time]]. am pm handling too.
==== lower priority improvements ====
* <code>&lt;meter&gt;</code> - poorly named. would prefer something like "gauge" but that's potentially hard(er) to spell. this is a bit bikesheddy though so not a high priority.
=== WebAPI ===
Canmove, confirm

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