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1,123 bytes added, 09:31, 20 June 2012
Done: note past semi-year to semi-year key accomplishments for reference
=== Done ===
Completed tasks, projects, events that have no further related active work items. Will likely move to its own page as it grows, in which case, I'll probably just keep *recently* finished items here and regularly archive them.
==== Annual Summaries ====
===== 2011-06-15 - 2012-06-15 =====
Per Rypple "key accomplishments for the past year":
* 2011-06 - Created & co-organized the 2011 event and ongoing community to empower users to own and control their web identities and content.
* 2011-11 W3C TPAC BarCamp - ran first ever W3C TPAC BarCamp day - to great reviews (best TPAC plenary day ever).
* 2011-11 [[HTML5]] <time> - restored the <time> element in HTML5, enhanced it to fit author needs.
* CSS3-UI LCWD2 - edited/published an updated CSS3 User Interface Module second Last Call Working Draft.
* 2012-02 vendor prefixes - kicked off a rational/scientific discussion of CSS -webkit- vendor prefix issue in the W3C CSS Working Group, and also drove it internally at Mozilla.
* W3C HTML/CSS/WebApps/AB - represented Mozilla in HTML & CSS WG, WebApps & Advisory Board observer/expert face-to-face meetings
* Invited Speaker - invited to and spoke at numerous conferences on behalf of Mozilla
* [[WebAPI/ContactsAPI]] - wrote v1 spec for [[WebAPI/ContactsAPI]], worked with dev to implement.
==== Completed Events ====
Canmove, confirm

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