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3,062 bytes added, 16:16, 23 October 2012
Created page with "<small>[[WeeklyUpdates/{{#time:Y-m-d|{{SUBPAGENAME}} -1 week}}|« previous week]] | index | [[WeeklyUpdates/{{#time:Y-m-d|{{SUBPAGENAME}} +1 week}}|next week »..."
<small>[[WeeklyUpdates/{{#time:Y-m-d|{{SUBPAGENAME}} -1 week}}|« previous week]] | [[WeeklyUpdates|index]] | [[WeeklyUpdates/{{#time:Y-m-d|{{SUBPAGENAME}} +1 week}}|next week »]]</small>



= All-hands Status Meeting Agenda =

Items in this section will be shared during the live all-hand status meeting.

== Friends of the Tree [[Image:Tree.gif|Friends of the Tree]] ==

== Upcoming Events ==

=== This Week ===

=== Monday, {{#time:d F|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}} ===

=== Tuesday, {{#time:d F|{{SUBPAGENAME}} +1 day}} ===

=== Wednesday, {{#time:d F|{{SUBPAGENAME}} +2 days}} ===

=== Thursday, {{#time:d F|{{SUBPAGENAME}} +3 days}} ===

=== Friday, {{#time:d F|{{SUBPAGENAME}} +4 days}} ===

=== Next Week ===

== Product Status Updates (voice updates) ==

=== Firefox Desktop ===
''Speaker Location:''

=== Firefox Mobile ===
''Speaker Location:''

=== Thunderbird ===
''Speaker Location:''

=== Older Branch Work ===
''Speaker Location:''

=== Webmaker ===
''Speaker Location:''

=== Identity ===
''Speaker Location:''

=== Services ===
''Speaker Location:''

=== Firefox OS ===
''Speaker Location:''

=== Grow Mozilla ===
''Speaker Location:''

== Speakers ==

The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

{| class="fullwidth-table"
! Title
! Presenter
! Topic
! Media
! More Details
| Your Title Here
| Your Name Here
| What are you going to talk about?
| Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen
| Link to where audience can find out more information

== Introducing New Hires ==
{| class="fullwidth-table"
! New Hire
! Introduced by
! Speaker location
! Will be working on
| ''Who is the new hire?''
| ''Who will be introducing that person?''
| ''From which office will that introduction be transmitted?''
| ''What will the new person be working on?''
<!-- Insert new rows here -->

== Introducing New Interns ==
{| class="fullwidth-table"
! New Intern
! Introduced by
! Speaker location
! Will be working on
| ''Who is the new intern?''
| ''Who will be introducing that person?''
| ''From which office will that introduction be transmitted?''
| ''What will the new person be working on?''
<!-- Insert new rows here -->

== Roundtable ==

= &lt;meta&gt; =

Notes and non-voice status updates that aren't part of the live meeting go here.

== Status Updates By Team (*non-voice* updates) ==

=== Firefox ===

=== Platform ===

=== Services ===

=== Messaging ===

=== Mobile ===

=== IT ===

=== Release Engineering ===

=== QA ===

==== Test Execution ====

==== WebQA ====

==== QA Community ====

=== Automation & Tools ===

=== Security ===

=== Engagement ===

==== PR ====

==== Events ====

==== Creative Team ====

==== Community Marketing ====

=== Support ===

=== Metrics ===

=== Evangelism ===

=== Labs ===

=== Apps ===

=== Developer Tools ===

=== Add-ons ===

=== Webdev ===

=== L10n ===

=== People Team ===

=== WebFWD ===

== Foundation Updates ==

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