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32 bytes added, 14:25, 17 November 2012
Bugzilla Extensions
*[ BrowserID] Allows logging in to Bugzilla using BrowserID.
*[[Image:CfAutoComplete.jpg|right|thumb]][ CfAutoComplete] is a fully configurable autocomplete facility for custom fields in bug forms. Using javascript (JQuery) and the Bugzilla web services, it aims to make life easier and provide more consistent data by providing suggestions suggesting values to the user, based on previously entered bug data. It can both take input from and provide autocompletion for other fields in the form, in addition to the field in focus.
*[ Env4AD] This Bugzilla extension provides a new auth_login_method that extends the default Bugzilla::Auth::Login::Env. It is especially useful if you want single sign on using mod_kerb and Active Directory but your ADs userPrincipleName is not a valid email address. It also sets a proper full name.

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