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1 byte removed, 10:05, 9 March 2007
Number Box: Typos
The widget supports all the attributes and properties of the textbox, and implements nsIDOMXULTextBoxElement.
All attributes shown above have a corresponding property. The decimalPlaces property corrsponds to the decimalplaces atributeattribute. The wrapAround property corresponds to the wraparound attribute.
; min : The minimum value the number in the field may be. The value cannot be decreased below this value. The default value is 0. To set no minimum value, use -Infinity.
Negative values are also supported for the min, value and max attributes.
Only the characters 0-9 may be displayed in the field. If the min attribute is less than 0, the minus sign (-) may also be entered. If the decimalplaces attribute is greater than 0, the locale dependant dependent decimal point symbol may also be entered.
; increase() : increment thae the current value by the value of the increment property; decrease() : decrement thae the current value by the value of the increment property

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