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31 bytes added, 21:47, 28 February 2013
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This is a page for tracking in-progress releases. For maintenance releases, we use a [[Releases/Checklist|general checklist]] to ensure we don't miss anything.
* perhaps you'd like to see who [[Releases/Drivers|release drivers for various releases]] are?
* or perhaps you'd like to learn more about [[Releases/Priority_Ranking|the priority rankings]] we assign to releases?
* you might even wonder how we use [[Releases/Flags|flags]] to manage our releases?
* or what [[Releases/Branches|branches]] exist and when they branched?
* perchance you're confused about [[Releases/Update_Terms|update terminology]]?
* maybe you'd like to know about our various branch [[Releases/Support_Levels|support levels]]?
* perhaps you want to see the [[RapidRelease/Calendar|RapidRelease Calendar]] for future aurora merges, beta merges, and releases?
* maybe you are interested in checking the [[Features/Release_Tracking|Feature Release Tracker]] for upcoming features?
== Upcoming Releases ==
For releases '''prior to 2012''', please see the [[Releases/Old|archive]].
== Other Links (out of date) ==
This is a page for tracking in-progress releases. For maintenance releases, we use a [[Releases/Checklist|general checklist]] to ensure we don't miss anything.
* perhaps you'd like to see who [[Releases/Drivers|release drivers for various releases]] are?
* or perhaps you'd like to learn more about [[Releases/Priority_Ranking|the priority rankings]] we assign to releases?
* you might even wonder how we use [[Releases/Flags|flags]] to manage our releases?
* or what [[Releases/Branches|branches]] exist and when they branched?
* perchance you're confused about [[Releases/Update_Terms|update terminology]]?
* maybe you'd like to know about our various branch [[Releases/Support_Levels|support levels]]?
* perhaps you want to see the [[RapidRelease/Calendar|RapidRelease Calendar]] for future aurora merges, beta merges, and releases?
* maybe you are interested in checking the [[Features/Release_Tracking|Feature Release Tracker]] for upcoming features?

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