We are hoping to make some major improvements to the Gecko's Mac OS X plugin architecture.
== Mac OS X NPAPI Drawing Models Spec ==
[[Mac:NPAPI_Drawing_Models]] contains the spec for Mac OS X NPAPI Drawing Models, which happens to solve the problem of 64-bit plugins on Mac OS X. The spec is close to final, however last-minute changes may occur.
== Gecko 1.9 Plugin Improvements ==
* [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=347511 347511] - support .webplugin plugins
== Mac OS X NPAPI Drawing Models Spec ==
[[Mac:NPAPI_Drawing_Models]] contains the spec for Mac OS X NPAPI Drawing Models, which happens to solve the problem of 64-bit plugins on Mac OS X. The spec is close to final, however last-minute changes may occur.