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4,782 bytes added, 16:58, 1 August 2007
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WilC, Axel, Pascal, Seth, Mic
=community dev=
Seth's trip to India
like going from state to state in the US where when you go across States it's a different dialect, using same basic sandscrit
limitation on number of peole who access internet - reserved for peopel who speak English and Hindi. strong correlation between english and PC users. 40-60M online. 1.1 billion total people
all amazing languages and people are tryin to localize firefox in the languages. two have been done gujarati and punjabi. 6-8 major indian languages that if we could get communities to localize. it would open up access to millions of local users. before inspiring anyone to do anything official. wanted to touch base with our team to be prepared ot respond. got tonnes of interest from 4-5 different groups of people wnatin to do lcoalized version. first an english-indian version, leading to many other languages like tamil, etc.
mahiti organization - part of team contracted by indian govenrmen to lcoalizer open office. they are very proficient and excited to localize firefox. want to be able to do it so they can ship fre and open source software to ngo's in india. people that they are serving are in country side and could realy benefit from this. shed light on amazing amount of content tht's being accessed and the need for localized software and showed us how much they've already contributed to open source. they'd like to help. we have high standards that they'd need to adhere to.
official localized version with cvs status or doing a language pack - what should be appropriate
list of language: tamil, hindi, karnathaka, spengali, english-indian, gujarati (taken care of), punjabi, kelugu.
told them we do have existing efforts in one form or another. wanted to put them in touch with those team so that if they could contribute they would.
Tamil - we have rough/tough team for Tamil
Hindi is probably not as good a state as it should be
Spengali is Runa who is working with RedHat. Redhat is big player in field who are tying to get localization in the field/India.
would benefit a great deal from thei connecting
kelugu - have two registration bugs for this
ACTION connct mahiti to the 3 groups of localizers already working on things
what's process to ensure we are ready to help them do what they need to do; first is to check l10n:teams first step to check in with those
Ankit - really good, enthusiastic, knowledagble about our process, will get them in touch with them also, take leadeship in guiding them through would offload work on our side
Kelugu - get someone to create a bugzilla account
Punjabi - strong team, good and established
Gujarati - strong team already exists led by ankit and nirav, connecting of the groups
Karnathaka - make sure that this is on the list of the ones that are suggested (state of Bangalore). ACTION to Seth to verify
En-In version - one suggeston might be to do something with GB version, new territory for this (how to grab existing build and do something with that); researchign what would be involved in doing this version, wiki page that lists set of requirements (les formal than a bug), no idea if have resources to do it, could resort to manpower answer with new resources but this is last resort, bettter is patch GB less worries about QA and more worries about build/release
ACTION: bug - language selection features that google's offer in india Mic (work with product)
maybe have a speical cateogy for l10n india to get teams work toegether - could have a newsgroup for them - localization issues that span india
lang pack vs building a localization
need feedback on whether we do languages as language packs only?
mic's view - give them the choice to make (point ot documentation for understanding)
say Galecian, official lanuage in Spain, long histoy of people giving up
this is something we should clearly articulate in the documentation
ACTION: Mic to inform john and QA (tim)
Wil -
Pascal - minority language, do we "trust" team in long term; advantage of language pack is don't have to support it on website and so on, should remain in language pack; if "minority" language comes up and have very organized team would be in favour of supporting them; in documenation should make clear if get involved doing so for long term
Axel - is there a way to estimate how much web update work there is to do? how much maintenance work the web is for a localization team? in terms of what we expect them to do in response to e.g., bugs; how much work how often how liely to happen within a year
pascal - not too much, google snippets (problem on google side)
=amo/lang packs=
=all hands=

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