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BMO/User profile fields

393 bytes removed, 14:25, 11 June 2013
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These are descriptions of the fields listed on the user profile pages in on
'''=== Last activity'''===
The date and time a user last reported, changed or commented on a bug in bugzillaBugzilla. Link to user activity report for the last 30 days4 weeks.
'''=== Bugs filed'''===
The total number of bugs reported by the user. More info: <a href="">* [[How to File a Bug</a>]]
'''=== Commented on'''===
The total number of bugs that the user has commented on. More info: <a href="">Bugzilla etiquette</a>
'''=== Comments made'''===
The total number of comments that the user has added. More info: <a href="">Bugzilla etiquette</a>
'''=== Confirmed'''===
The number of bugs the user has changed from UNCONFIRMED to NEW. More info: <a href="* [">Confirming unconfirmed bugs</a>%5Funconfirmed%5Fbugs Confirming UnconfirmedBugs]
'''=== QA-contact'''===
QA-contacts work as part of the QA team to help developers with regression testing, steps to reproduce bugs, and bug verification. More info: <a href="* [">How can Can I help testHelp Test?</a>]
'''=== Patches submitted'''===
The number of patches a user has submitted to help fix a bug. More info: <a href="* [">Contributing to the Mozilla Codebase</a>, <a href="]* [">How%5Fto%5fSubmit%5fa%5fPatch How to Submit a Patch</a>, and <a href="]* [[Bugzilla:Review">|Bugzilla:Review</a>.]]
'''=== Patches reviewed'''===
Shows how many patches a user has reviewed. More info: <a href="* [">Code%5FReview_FAQ Code Review FAQ</a> ] including how to become a reviewer.
'''=== Assigned to'''===
Bugs assigned to a user.
'''=== Bugs poked''' ===
Total number of bugs a user has interacted with: filed, commented on, changed status, added whiteboard or keyword tags, changed product or component; anything done to the bug that results in saving changes.
'''=== RESOLVED'''===
Bugs a user has changed from NEW, UNCONFIRMED, or REOPENED to RESOLVED. More info: <a href="* [">Resolving bugs</a>.]
'''=== DUPLICATE''' ===
Bugs a user has resolved as a duplicate of an existing bug More info: <a href=".* [ ">Screening%5Fduplicate%5Fbugs Screening DUPLICATE bugs</a>.]
'''=== INVALID''' ===
Bugs a user has resolved as INVALID; these may be issues that aren't Mozilla bugs, or are features rather than unexpected behavior. More info: <a href="* [">Resolving bugs as INVALID</a>.]
'''=== WORKSFORME''' ===
Bugs a user was unable to reproduce on the reported hardware and OS. More info: <a href="* [">Resolving bugs</a>.]
'''=== FIXED''' ===
Bugs a user has resolved as FIXED. Only verify FIXED if the bug's resolution can be tied to a specific code checkin in a Mozilla repository. More info: <a href="* [">Resolving bugs as FIXED</a>.]
'''=== VERIFIED''' ===
Resolved bugs that a user has made sure have been resolved correctly. More info: <a href="* [">Verifying bugs</a>.]

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