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118 bytes added, 20:33, 19 June 2013
Using the Account Token
The requestHMACkey is used in a HAWK ( request to provide integrity over the "getSignToken" request. It is used as credentials.key, while tokenID is used as . HAWK includes the URL and the HTTP method ("POST") in the HMAC-protected data, and will optionally include the HTTP request body (payload) if requested (this is not used for getSignToken or getResetToken, but is used for "sign" itself).
[[File:PICL-IdPAuth-signRequest|Signing the Request]]
HAWK provides one thing: integrity/authentication for the request contents (URL, method, and optionally the body). It does not provide confidentiality of the request, or integrity of the response, or confidentiality of the response. We must provide these three other properties ourselves.
For getSignToken and getResetToken, we don't need request confidentiality. We *do* need response confidentiality and integrity. To achieve these, the HAWK response is defined to be HMAC'ed (using responseHMACkey) and encrypted (XORed with the responseXORkey). XOR is safe and appropriate because the key is single-use and the data we're protecting is short and fixed-length.
[[File:PICL-IdPAuth-decryptResponse|Decrypting the Response]]
=== Getting the Reset Token ===

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