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15 bytes added, 05:17, 1 August 2013
The server feeds "A" into its own SRP calculation and derives (hopefully) the same "S" value as the client did. It can then compute its own copy of M1 and see if it matches. If not, the client (or a man-in-the-middle) did not get the right password, and the server will return an error and increment it's "somebody is trying to guess passwords" counter (which will be used to trigger defenses against online guessing attacks). If it does match, then both sides can derive the same "K" session key.
The server then allocates a single-use 32-byte random token named "authToken". It encrypts the token with the session key, and returns a success message with the encrypted bundle.
All tokens have an associated tokenID, described below. The server needs to maintain a table that maps the tokenID to the token itself, so it can derive other values from the token later. The tokens are also associated with a specific account, so later API requests do not specify an email address or account ID.

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