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4 bytes removed, 19:15, 8 August 2013
Crypto Notes: update HKDF to use RFC5869 terminology: IKM/salt/info instead of SKM/XTS/CTXinfo
On the server, code should get entropy from /dev/urandom via a function that uses it, like "crypto.randomBytes()" in node.js or "os.urandom()" in python. On the client, code should combine local entropy with some fetched from the keyserver via getEntropy(), to guard against failures in the local entropy pool. Something like HKDF(SKMIKM=localEntropy+remoteEntropy, salt="", contextinfo=KW("mergeEntropy")).
An HKDF-based stream cipher is used to protect the response for getToken2(), and the request for resetAccount(). HKDF is used to create a number of random bytes equal to the length of the message, then these are XORed with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext. An HMAC is then computed from the ciphertext, to protect the integrity of the message.
HAWK provides one thing: integrity/authentication for the request contents (URL, method, and optionally the body). It does not provide confidentiality of the request, or integrity of the response, or confidentiality of the response.
For /certificate/sign, we do not need request confidentiality or response confidentiality, since the client's pubkey and the resulting certificate will both be exposed over a similar SSL connection to the storage server later. And it is sufficient to rely on the response integrity provided by SSL, since the client can verify the returned certificate for itself. For the other keyserver APIs protected by HAWK, these properties are either unnecessary, or are provided by additional mechanisms.
= Proof-Of-Work =

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