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1 byte added, 18:32, 2 December 2013
move 2013-11 to past
== upcoming ==
Add new and upcoming events here.
=== December 2013 ===
=== January 2014 ===
=== February 2014 ===
=== March 2014 ===
* W3C AB meeting hosted at Mozilla SF
* IndieWebCampSF hosted at Mozilla SF
* JSFest in SF
=== April 2014 ===
* IndieWebCampNYC
== past ==
Past months'/years' events.
At the start of a new year, move the previous year's events to its own archive page for that year similar to other previous years.
At the start of a new month, move the previous month's events subsection below this paragraph, most recent first.
=== November 2013 ===
** ...
=== December 2013 ===
=== January 2014 ===
=== February 2014 ===
=== March 2014 ===
* W3C AB meeting hosted at Mozilla SF
* IndieWebCampSF hosted at Mozilla SF
* JSFest in SF
=== April 2014 ===
* IndieWebCampNYC
== past ==
Past months'/years' events.
At the start of a new year, move the previous year's events to its own archive page for that year similar to other previous years.
At the start of a new month, move the previous month's events subsection below this paragraph, most recent first.
=== October 2013 ===
Canmove, confirm

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