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1,458 bytes added, 16:05, 3 March 2014
add IndieWebCampSF, dates for W3CAB, move February to past, fix ISO Dates for some other February events
== upcoming ==
Add new and upcoming events here. === February 2014 ===Algeria, SETIF#SEYA_Firefox_Club Event:
06/02/=== March 2014 : Mozilla Day | SETIF 1 ===: https://www* W3C AB meeting hosted at Mozilla SF
24<div class="h-event vevent" id="iwc-2014-064">* <time class="dt-start dtstart" datetime="2014-03-07T10:00-0800">2014-03-07 10:00</time> - <time class="dt-end dtend" datetime="2014-03-08T18:00-0800">2014-03-08 18:00</time>: <span class="p-name summary">'''[ /SF IndieWebCampSF]'''</span> at <span class="p-location location">[http: Mozilla Day | SETIF 2// Embassy Network], San Francisco</span>. <span class="p-description description">The very first IndieWebCamp in San Francisco. Join us in San Francisco for two days of a BarCamp-style gathering of web creators building and sharing open web technologies to empower users to own their own identities & content, and advance the state of the indie web.</span> Details: <span class="u-url url"></span>, <span class="u-url url">irc://</span>** RSVP:</div>
=== March 2014 ===
* W3C AB meeting hosted at Mozilla SF
* IndieWebCampSF hosted at Mozilla SF
* JSFest in SF
*Makerparty 2014 Hive Pop Up at GITAM University
At the start of a new month, move the previous month's events subsection below this paragraph, most recent first.
=== February 2014 ===
* Algeria, SETIF #SEYA_Firefox_Club Event:
* 2014-02-06 : Mozilla Day | SETIF 1 :
* 2014-02-12 [ Homebrew Website Club] meeting [ @MozSF] and [ @ESRIPDX]
* 2014-02-24 : Mozilla Day | SETIF 2
* 2014-02-26 [ Homebrew Website Club] meeting [ @MozSF] and [ @ESRIPDX]
=== January 2014 ===
Canmove, confirm

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