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630 bytes removed, 21:02, 14 March 2014
move information about Tantek to Tantek page, fix more wording to be project / 3rd-person focused, make it an h-entry instead of an h-card
<div class="h-card vcardentry hentry">Hi, I'm This page lists <span class="p-name fnsummary">[[User:Tantek|Tantek Çelik]]</span>, and you've found my list of <span class="p-org orgname summary">Mozillarelated projects</span> related projects. My personal home page is that <span class="up-author author h-url urlcard"></span> and on IRC (Freenode, Mozilla, W3C) I'm <kbd classabbr title="p-nickname nicknameTantek Çelik">tantek[[Tantek]]</kbdabbr>. <div class="e-note note">As Mozilla's </span class="p-job-title">Web Standards Leadis working on</span>, I help advance the .* Permalink: <span class="p-category categoryurl url">open web<> platform by editing and contributing to specifications, participating in working groups, and helping coordinate Tantek-Mozilla's work on <span class="p-category category">[[standards]]projects</span> in general. In particular I prioritize working on critical areas where the open web or standards are threatened, either directly, by proprietary (or oligopolic) efforts, or indirectly, by badly designed standards, e.g. standards biased toward large companies, rather than individual users, authors, designers, and developers.
Critical areas of focus
* '''<span class="p-category category">[[IndieWebCamp|IndieWeb]]</span>''' - the independent web, in contrast to the web of silos and user- and developer-unfriendly <abbr title="terms of services">TOS</abbr>es. See also [[Webmaker]]. Related: [[SocialAPI]].
* '''<span class="p-category category">[[Microformats]]</span>''' - simple, open standards for marking up compound semantics in HTML, in contrast to complex (XML, RDFa, microdata), or closed / vendor-specific / oligopolic ( efforts. See also [[Gaia/System/Microformats]] and , <span class="p-category category">[[HTML5]]</span> (I wrote a , and Tantek's [ book on getting started with HTML5]). Working groups and standards communities (I represent representing Mozilla and open web interests)
* <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#microformats|]]</span> (co-founder, admin)
* <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#OWF|Open Web Foundation]]</span> (boardmember)
* <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#VCARDDAV|VCARDDAV]]</span>
* <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#W3C|W3C]]</span>: <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#Advisory_Board|Advisory Board]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#CSS_.28Cascading_Style_Sheets.29_Working_Group|CSS WG]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#HTML_Working_Group|HTML WG]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#System_Applications_Working_Group|SysApps WG]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#Federated_Social_Web_Community_Group|FedSocWeb]]</span>
* <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#WHATWG|WHATWG]]</span>
* <span class="p-category category">[[WebActions]]</span>
* Web Literacy: Thimble HTML+microformats lessons for Webmaker, onramping Webmaker to [[IndieWebCamp]], [ contributions], Mozilla Hands-on Brown Bags on how to edit wikis
== Summary of work items ==
'''(Needs updating for 20132014)'''
Summary of work items / general next actions and status:
* CSS / [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#HTML5_spec_improvements|HTML5]] / DOM
** CSSWG 2011-2013 charter:
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_UI|CSS3 UI]]
*** Achieved LCWD2. Next action: collect LCWD comment, produce disposition a new CR (CR2).
== inbox ==
Please note, if you have specific requests for my Tantek's time:* '''IM preferred.''' I'm good with being Tantek is available on IM to answer open web related questions.* '''Email is unreliable.''' I Tantek can't guarantee any particular turnaround on email (see [ EmailEfail]).* '''I work Works remotely.''' I'm Tantek is in the SF office typically, in Mountain View only once every other week or sooccasionally, and often out speaking at a conference or at other W3C etc meetings or Mozilla related [[Events]].
Inbox (add stuff here) :
Canmove, confirm

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