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Firefox 130 release information


The following information is intended for members of the Mozilla Support community for the purpose of supporting users in the Mozilla Support platform. Mozilla Support is a community of enthusiastic volunteers and employees trying to support Mozilla's users around the globe. You can join us by contributing through the following ways:

Release notes

Bug boards

Dot releases

Platform Version Release date Notable fixes Unresolved
Firefox Desktop 130.0.1 September 17, 2024 bug1917175, bug1916038 -
Firefox & Focus for Android & Klar 130.1.0 September 17, 2024 bug1862537, bug1915122 -
Firefox & Focus for iOS - - - -

Contributor discussions

Please refer to the following contributor forum threads to learn more about known issues and discuss with other contributors:

You can also join our Matrix channel to ask questions/join community discussion.

Stay updated

Apart from sharing release information, there are other ways to stay updated with product release and community updates:

  • Community call: We run a monthly community call (usually a week before Firefox release date). Check our schedule here and don't hesitate to join the call in person if you can!
  • Firefox pod meeting: If you’re an NDA’d contributor, you can watch the recording of our Firefox Pod Meeting from AirMozilla to catch up with the latest train release. You can also subscribe to the AirMozilla folder by clicking on the Subscribe button in the top-right corner of the page to get notifications each time we add a new recording.
  • Newsletter: Consider subscribing to Firefox Daily Digest to get daily updates (Mon-Fri) about Firefox from across the internet.
Content in this page is being updated periodically as we're rolling out the release.

What's new in Firefox 130

Firefox Desktop

Translate selected text portions to different languages after a full-page translation
Description: Firefox now allows translating selected text portions to different languages after a full-page translation.
Content request:
KB article: Article update
Firefox Labs
Description: Firefox Labs is a new section within Firefox settings that gives user access to experimental features.
Content request:
KB article: New article
New Tab Content FAQ
Description: Replace the in-product FAQ link with a new one that more generally covers content in new tab (not necessarily from pocket).
Content request:
KB article: New article
Add image flow updates in PDF Editor (experimental feature)
Description: Generate alt text for added images automatically with an on-device generative AI model, helping users to overcome the “writer’s block” that often results in inaccessible images (saved without alt text).
Content request:
KB articles: KB updated & New article created
Resolve “The installation seems to be incomplete/corrupt” error in Firefox on Windows
Description: Explain Windows-only "The installation seems to be incomplete/corrupt. Please check your hardware and disk setup and/or re-install."
Content request:
KB article: New article

Firefox for Android

Password Generator on Android
Description: Android users will have the ability to generate a secured password on their devices:
  • Click on the password field of a sign-up form.
  • User will be presented with the option to use a secure password.
  • They can then choose "Use Password" or dismiss the prompt by selecting "Not now".
Content request:
KB article: Article update

Firefox for iOS

No notable updates

Known studies/experiments

Platform Studies/experiments Description Feedback collection
Firefox desktop - -



Known issue(s)/Trending topic(s)

Platform Issue Known bug/Related discussions Fix/workaround
Desktop Compliment about the PiP experiment Chatter on Reddit -
Desktop Extensions settings reverted after an update Bug1903615 Fixed in 130. But users upgrading from version lower than 130 will still experience this issue
Desktop Disable mousewheel-triggered value changes for <input type="number"> (and "range") Bug1741469 Dom.input.number_and_range_modified_by_mousewheel to revert to previous behavior
Desktop Print preview doesn’t work properly for some SVGs Bug1917715 Fix is planned to release on 132
Desktop Print preview doesn’t work properly for some SVGs Bug1917715 Fix is planned to release on 132
Desktop MacOS Sequoia breaking Firefox Bug1919173 Check out this article

Known incident(s)

Latest Widevine CDM is Incompatible with Windows 7
Description: The latest Widevine CDM update Google shipped is incompatible with Windows 7.
Status: Investigating
Product(s) impacted: Windows 7 users on ESR 115
Associated bug:
Resolution/workaround: The team is investigating potential solution
