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Mozilla Switzerland is a regional Mozilla community under the broader umbrella of the Mozilla project.
Mozillach white avatar.png

Switzerland is a small land-locked country in the middle of Europe. Bordering Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Lichtenstein Switzerland has 4 official languages.

Mozilla Switzerland is a group of passionate people who care for the open Web and love Mozilla. We believe in Mozilla's mission and take it forward as guards of the open Web.


Mozilla Switzerland is a volunteer run organization engaged in promoting openness, innovation, and opportunity on the Web in the country. Mozilla Switzerland is part of the global community of Mozilla.

You can read more about our latest community meetup on Michael's blog.

Communication Channels

Instant Messaging


Announcements & Information


We are tracking all open tasks in our Participation GitHub Repository. Feel free to help out with one of those or create a new one!

Contribution Areas

Anyone who cares about the Web, loves Firefox or believes in Mozilla's mission can join the community and start contributing to the projects. You don't have to be a C++ guru to be able to contribute to Mozilla. There are several areas that one can contribute to based on how much time they have, even if that's just 5 minutes!

Area Description Contact persons Links
Participation Overall Participation topics to bring the community forward. This includes Community Building, Community Development, you can find more information about Participation here on the wiki. Michael Kohler MozillaCH Participation GitHub issues
mozilla.ch Website The mozilla.ch website Martin Giger, Colin Frei, sjw, Michael Kohler GitHub repository
Design Everything that is about Mozilla Switzerland design issues Marco Pérez GitHub repository
Firefox Everything about Firefox Martin Giger, Michael Kohler Mozilla Wiki page
RM localization Everything about localization of Romansh Gion-Andri l10n dashboard
Privacy / Policy Everything about privacy and policy making sjw GitHub issues

If there is a contribution area that is not yet listed, please add it!

You can find various other areas of contribution at Mozilla here.

Focus Group

The goal of the focus group is to be a mediator if we can't reach a decision during a discussion. It consists of at least 2 persons and is the final decision maker if needed (this has never happened in history). This group is open to everybody who would like to join and the group is rotated every 6 months if there are more than 5 persons.

Responsibilities: The members of this group should be willing to bring Mozilla Switzerland forward and decide what is the best for the community. A response time of maximum 72 hours to vote on an issue is crucial (of course there will be exceptions like vacations, etc).

Members of the focus group: Michael Kohler, Martin Giger


Have questions or would like to talk to us? Use any of the communication channels above, we're here to help!


You can find all our events on reps.mozilla.org. Information around the organization of events can be found on Switzerland/Events.

Monthly Meetings

We are sometimesmeeting in Zurich.


  • Be nice: We are all part of the same community, so be friendly, be welcoming, and generally be a nice person. Be someone that other people want to be around.
  • Be respectful and constructive: We're not going to agree all the time. Remember to be respectful and constructive with your communication to your fellow Mozillians. Don't get into fights, don't make personal attacks, don't vent or rant unconstructively. Everyone should take responsibility for the community and take the initiative to diffuse tension and stop a potential flamewar, fight or negative thread as early as possible.
  • Be collaborative: Work together! We can learn a lot from each other. Share knowledge, update the tasks, help each other out.
  • Participate: This is YOUR community, so be a part of it! Join in on discussions, show up for in-person meetings regularly, offer feedback, and offer to help implement that feedback!

Please also read the Mozilla Community Participation guidelines.

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