From MozillaWiki
- log size of gc heaps after every running JS runnable.
- Track JSObjects that fallback to dictionary mode
- Time spent(impaction) on objects of dictionary mode
- For games
- command queue for SVG frames
- Compare loading time for loading from scratch and from dumped image.
- Establish a benchmark to measure memory usage. Refer to AWSY.
- Bug 945166 - Merge JS bytecode, jit code, type tree and shape tree of iframes of embedded YouTube videos.
- Ion/baseline codes, bytecode, script-source, type, shape, etc.
- Bug 945161 - Stop decode big image for the browser app for low end devices.
- Bug 945152 - Make memory of TypedArrays returned by XHR backing with the local file.
- Use-case tables of keyboard apps.
- Tim is in charged of the use-case.
- Bug 945174 - Evaluate zram performance and Bug 899493.
- Bug 945185 - Show only first N images in image uploader for low-end devices.
- Bug 943254 - [B2G][Browser] limit the memory consumption of the browser.
- Bug 854795 - decode and downsample images at the same time for memory savings
- App session resuming
- like hibernate
- load an App from storage and restore to the states of last killed.
- Media
- Unified buffering
- Evaluate the code generator for ARM in IonMonkey.
- Parallelize layout and rendering by screen frames. -- VersionedDOM
- Use object layout info (size of the object) to figure out what the object is a XPCOMPtr in.
- To be a complementary information for CC and GC.
- Tool to log and show restyling
- What rules are referenced/matched?
- Restyle roots and how many descendants?
- Changes of DOM tree
- Automatically generate marionatte scripts
- build test servers
- Make a iframe as a history entry