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Meeting Details
- 2:00pm Pacific Time (21:00 UTC) on Tuesdays
- (5PM Eastern US, 11PM Oslo, 6AM (Wed) Seoul, 7AM (Wed) Melbourne)
- Meeting ID: 8262746 (TAMARIN)
- California: 408-536-9900
- Toll-Free(US & Canada): 877-220-5439
- International: +1-408-536-9900
- Duration: 60 minutes
- join irc.mozilla.org #tamarin for attendence taking and questions
In Attendance
Dan Smith, Jeff Dyer, Jason Orendorff, Mark Hammond, Blake Kaplan
(Other attendees, add yourself to the attendance list)
Development Updates
Build System
- Question: What is the plan for autobuilding Tamarin and ESC?
Jason to follow-up with Benjamin Smedbergs or Rob Campbell on the plan.
Jason: researching Stage 1 work. Not directly related to Tamarin.
Converting DOM to use mmGC.
- Open question: where should the ScreamingMonkey reside in source control? Recommended to be a peer of Tamarin in Hg. Looking for confirmation from Brendan.
- Limited work this week.
- Still working on strategy for exposing COM objects to engine.
- Working on getting Hg access
No updates this week. Seo has limited time to work on IronMonkey until September.
Self-hosting Compiler
Jeff: ESC is able to compile itself using the Reference Implementation, and is able to compile and run HelloWorld. Next goal is to compile and run the compiler on Tamarin. It takes a long time to compile using the reference implementation so progress is solid, but slower than we'd like.
Jeff will submit changes to Tamarin-central/esc this week.
.abc files will only be required for eval() itself; .abc files won't be visible to run-time.
64-bit Port
- No news to report.
Other work
- Dan: setup volunteer task list on Tamarin Wiki
- Volunteers: post to Tamarin-devel your experience.