From MozillaWiki
Testday Results
- Mozmill for Add-ons
- Had a max of 36 testers in the testday channel at its peak
- Major contributors outside mozQA: gNeandr, aaronMT, pereba, c_f_l, Jan, Tobbi, sid0, supernova_00, redwood, rsternagel, merike, johnst
- # Bugs filed or worked on: 7
- # Mozmill scripts contributed: 1
- How people found us:
- m.d.extensions - 1
- #firefox - 2
- #planning - 1
- #qa - 1
- planet - 2
- Notes:
- There is no way to specify modifier keys for mouse events
- There are needs for debug add-ons like Dom Inspector and Venkman
- It's not possible to set a default preference for a test-run
- Mozmill confused if the first id in install.rdf isn't the extension's id
- Documentation needs to be updated to explain how add-on tests can be included into our repository (e.g. license issues and so on)