From MozillaWiki
Mobile Performance Test Tools
- Nimbledroid: no longer active, see page for details
- mach perftest
mach perftest vs. normal startup
This is a list of known differences between a normal VIEW startup of Fenix vs. a VIEW mach perftest run of Fenix. Many of these were found while investigating in https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/perf-frontend-issues/issues/141
Configuration differences
- set-debug-app (appears to have no perf impact by itself - analysis - but causes other code to run)
- a new user profile is used
- Browsertime disables a set of firefox preferences
- Geckodriver also configures gecko via preferences
Runtime differences
- In response to set-debug-app, GV reads /data/local/tmp/org.mozilla.geckoview-config.yaml on startup; file is configured for marionette and crashreporter stuff
- marionette JSMs start up (+155ms on P2 from 9/11/2020)
- First android.graphics.HardwareRenderer.nSetStopped call is 89ms in perftest, 14ms in adb start (in profiles below)
- Condprof (currently disabled) runs checkForChanges in add-ons DB – is not in normal use start path & increases start up time (issue to fix)
For later use
Comparative profiles (details here) Adb shell am start VIEW: https://share.firefox.dev/32C3FeX Mach perftest VIEW: https://share.firefox.dev/3c3q1cv