Thunderbird/Driver Meetings/2009-03-03
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Agenda / Decisions
- state of buglist today
- blocking+ list: 116
- blocking? list: 18
- not yet found/created/reported: ?
- front-loaded: of 118 blockers
- 71 in 3.0b3
- 30 in 3.0rc1
- 17 untargetted
- pro: leaves room at the end for the stuff we haven't found yet (assuming realism, which is hard to tell)
- shipping soon: very high value
- gets existing fixes into users' hands
- energizes us as a team
- how do we map this to two milestones?
- hard to predict how much work this is
- ask everyone to get v3 bugs from NEW->ASSIGNED this week (dmose)
- ask people to look at their own load regularly and say something AS SOON AS they think they need help
- assume we're gonna try really really hard to get this amount of work into two 10-week milestones by throwing stuff overboard as necessary
- triaging going forward
- blocking?: what i've been doing: bias towards minusing and asking to renominate, unless we _can't_ ship without spending time drilling in more deeply (eg serious dataloss)
- please try to triage your bug lists (blocking+ and blocking?) once a week before drivers meeting
- front-load changes that are likely to need iteration & user feedback
- Tb 3.0 & b3 draft schedules forthcoming
- Firefox 3.5 slipping; we may want to consider shipping off something before 1.9.1 and uplifting to 1.9.1 after.