Thunderbird/Release Driving/Rapid Release Activities/Initial Features Generation
From MozillaWiki
This is how we generate the list of significant items that have changed, or issues that are fixed in a release.
- Create an etherpad
MailNews Core/Thunderbird Changes
- It is best to check that Bugs Landed has been run before doing this step.
- First, form a list of changes that have gone in on trunk:
- Search bugzilla for all bugs with a milestone of 'Thunderbird nn' and that are fixed and the 'status-thunderbird(nn-1)' and 'status-thunderbird(nn-2)' fields are not set to fixed, e.g. start from here (status-thunderbirdnn fields appear in the custom slot at the bottom of the page).
- Add the search link onto the etherpad
- Look through the bugs fixed and assess the major changes (fixes, user-facing issues) in this release.
- Add the items and bug links to the etherpad.
Gecko Change
This is generally slightly more difficult as Gecko doesn't adhere to the same milestone setting in resolution.
- Check the list of new features landed
- Form a list of changes:
- Between start & end dates for a release on Trunk, excluding fixes that have gone in previous releases, e.g. start from here
- Add the search link onto the etherpad
- Look through the bugs fixed and assess the major changes (fixes, user-facing issues) in this release.
- Add the items and bug links to the etherpad.