Update:Remora Database Migration
This page is about the migration from the v1 database to the new (remora) database structures.
The Utility
The Python script that does the migration has all sorts of fun features, exciting options, as well as providing thrilling output. It is a wholesome command line program.
The script is called migration.py and lives in svn at .../trunk/services/bin
The script requires Python 2.4 to work correctly. Versions before 2.4 will likely produce syntax errors like this one:
File "./migration.py", line 961 delimitedListOfVersionIdsThatShouldBeDeleted = ",".join((str(x.id) for x in newDB.executeSql("select v.id from versions v where addon_id in (%s)" % delimitedListOfAddons))) SyntaxError: invalid syntax
The tests require the use of "generator expressions" that were not available until 2.4.
Also, keep in mind that you shouldn't expect existing data in the target database to persist. You should run the script on a clean target database.
The script has three Python library dependencies:
- cse -- using svn at GoogleCode: http://csepython.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
- MySQLdb -- http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python
- Crypto -- http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto
migration.py is a sharp edged tool. It makes it easy to completely screw up the data in the database, therefore it must be used carefully. migration.py logs its every use, so if something bad does happen, you can go back through the log to see what went wrong and perhaps assign blame.
To use the script, just invoke it on the command line with appropriate options. The complete list of options can be found with this command:
./migration.py --help
Command Line Options
lars@deerlodge:~/project> ./migration.py -? m1 0.2 This routine migrates data from the old AMO database schems to the new one. -a, --addons a quoted comma delimited list of the ids of addons OR the word "all" (default: all) --addonStatusWhenNoFilesApproved the status to set an addon if no files approved (null, sandbox, pending, nominated, public, disabled) (default: sandbox) --addonStatusWhenSomeFilesApproved the status to set an addon if some files approved (null, sandbox, pending, nominated, public, disabled) (default: public) --clear clear all exisiting information from the new database --clearAddons clear all exisiting addons in the "addons" option list information from the new database -c, --config specify the location and name of the config file (default: ./migration.conf) --fileCachePath a path for the caching of files (blank for no cache) the path should no end in / -?, --help print this message -l, --locale the locale to use when migrating addons (default: en-US) --logPathName a progressive log of all runs of the migration script (default: ./migration.log) -A, --migrateAddons if present, this switch causes the addons in the "addons" option list to be migrated -M, --migrateMetaData if present, this switch causes the metadata tables to be migrated --newDatabaseName the name of the new database within the server (default: ) --newPassword the password for the user in the new database (default: ) --newServerName the name of the new database server (default: ) --newUserName the name of the user in the new database (default: ) -n, --not reverses the meaning of the "addon" option. If the "addon" option has a list, then specify everything except what's on the list --oldDatabaseName the name of the old database within the server (default: ) --oldPassword the password for the user in the old database (default: ) --oldServerName the name of the old database server (default: ) --oldUserName the name of the user in the old database (default: ) --previewURIPrefix a prefix to add to the URI in the preview table to enable downloading (default: https://addons.mozilla.org) --tests run the test cases -v, --verbose print status information as it runs
Usage examples
Migrate all metadata (-M) and all addons (-A) and talk alot about what's going on (-v):
lars@deerlodge:~/project> ./migration.py -MAv 2006-08-21 21:05:56.80 beginning migration version 0.2 with options: addons=all config=./migration.conf migrateAddons migrateMetaData newDatabaseName=noo newPassword=********** newServerName=deerlodge newUserName=lars oldDatabaseName=old oldPassword=********** oldServerName=deerlodge oldUserName=lars verbose version=0.2 2006-08-21 21:05:56.80 beginning metadata migration 2006-08-21 21:05:56.80 clearing metadata tables... done. 2006-08-21 21:05:58.19 beginning applicationsToApplications... done. 2006-08-21 21:05:58.65 beginning categoriesToTags... done. 2006-08-21 21:05:58.76 beginning osToPlatforms... done. 2006-08-21 21:05:58.79 beginning userprofilesToUsers... done. 2006-08-21 21:06:29.47 beginning addons migration 2006-08-21 21:06:29.47 clearing addons tables... done. 2006-08-21 21:06:29.47 beginning mainToAddOns... done. 2006-08-21 21:06:33.21 beginning authorxrefToAddons_users... done. 2006-08-21 21:06:34.87 beginning versionToVerions... 2006-08-21 21:07:02.08 WARNING -- version ID 15798 of addon 2506 for application 79 fails to migrate. (1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`noo/applications_versions`, CONSTRAINT `applications_versions_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`application_id`) REFERENCES `applications` (`id`))') 2006-08-21 21:07:02.08 WARNING -- version ID 15799 of addon 2507 for application 79 fails to migrate. (1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`noo/applications_versions`, CONSTRAINT `applications_versions_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`application_id`) REFERENCES `applications` (`id`))') done. 2006-08-21 21:07:09.55 beginning categoryxrefToAddons_tags... done. 2006-08-21 21:07:13.81 beginning previewsToPreviews... done. done.
Clear all the Addon information from the new database silently:
lars@deerlodge:~/project> ./migration.py --clearAddons
Copy only addons 3110, 3112 and 3113 to the new database:
lars@deerlodge:~/project> ./m1.py -A -a 3110,3112,3113 -v 2006-08-21 21:14:42.80 beginning migration version 0.2 with options: addons=3110,3112,3113 config=./migration.conf migrateAddons newDatabaseName=noo newPassword=********** newServerName=deerlodge newUserName=lars oldDatabaseName=old oldPassword=********** oldServerName=deerlodge oldUserName=lars verbose version=0.2 2006-08-21 21:14:42.80 beginning setupAddonSelectionTable... done. 2006-08-21 21:14:42.97 beginning addons migration 2006-08-21 21:14:42.97 clearing addons tables... done. 2006-08-21 21:14:42.97 beginning mainToAddOns... done. 2006-08-21 21:14:43.01 beginning authorxrefToAddons_users... done. 2006-08-21 21:14:43.02 beginning versionToVerions... done. 2006-08-21 21:14:43.14 beginning categoryxrefToAddons_tags... done. 2006-08-21 21:14:43.17 beginning previewsToPreviews... done. done.
Copy all addons except 3110, 3112 and 3113 to the new database:
lars@deerlodge:~/project> ./migration.py -A -na 3110,3112,3113 -v 2006-08-21 21:16:16.01 beginning migration version 0.2 with options: addons=3110,3112,3113 config=./migration.conf migrateAddons newDatabaseName=noo newPassword=********** newServerName=deerlodge newUserName=lars not oldDatabaseName=old oldPassword=********** oldServerName=deerlodge oldUserName=lars verbose version=0.2 2006-08-21 21:16:16.01 beginning setupAddonSelectionTable... done. 2006-08-21 21:16:18.25 beginning addons migration 2006-08-21 21:16:18.25 clearing addons tables... done. 2006-08-21 21:16:18.25 beginning mainToAddOns... done. 2006-08-21 21:16:21.79 beginning authorxrefToAddons_users... done. 2006-08-21 21:16:23.15 beginning versionToVerions... 2006-08-21 21:16:50.91 WARNING -- version ID 15798 of addon 2506 for application 79 fails to migrate. (1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`noo/applications_versions`, CONSTRAINT `applications_versions_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`application_id`) REFERENCES `applications` (`id`))') 2006-08-21 21:16:50.91 WARNING -- version ID 15799 of addon 2507 for application 79 fails to migrate. (1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`noo/applications_versions`, CONSTRAINT `applications_versions_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`application_id`) REFERENCES `applications` (`id`))') done. 2006-08-21 21:16:58.47 beginning categoryxrefToAddons_tags... done. 2006-08-21 21:17:02.80 beginning previewsToPreviews... done. done.
Remove Addons 2506 and 2507 from the new database:
lars@deerlodge:~/project> ./migration.py --clearAddons -a 2506,2507
Reinsert Addon 2506 as a German language addon:
lars@deerlodge:~/project> ./migration.py -A -a 2506 -l de
Independent Information (metadata)
applications to applications, appversions
Old Database | New Database |
AppID | applications.id |
GUID | applications.guid |
AppName | translations.localized_string insert id into applications.name |
AppName | translations.localized_string insert id into applications.shortname |
supported | supported |
major | no mapping |
minor | no mapping |
release | no mapping |
Old Database | New Database |
AppID | appversions.id |
AppID | appversions.application_id use AppID for originally encountered application |
Version | appversions.version |
appversions.created time.now | |
appversions.modified use default value |
categories to tags
Old Database | New Database |
CategoryID | id |
CatName | translations.localized_string insert id into name |
CatDesc | translations.localized_string insert id into description |
CatType | addontype_id lookup in addontypes.name assuming mapping of E->extensions, T->themes... |
CatApp | application_id lookup in applications.name |
created time.now | |
modified use default value |
os to platforms
Old Database | New Database |
OSID | id |
OSName | translations.localized_string insert id into name |
OSName | translations.localized_string insert id into shortname |
created time.now | |
modified use default value |
userprofiles to users
Old Database | New Database |
UserID | id |
UserName | parse to firstname, lastname lastname is always the last word from Username firstname is all but the last word or "?" if there are no other words |
nickname no source for data, Null not allowed, no default - I put in an empty string | |
UserEmail | |
UserWebsite | homepage |
UserPass | password |
UserMode | no mapping |
UserTrusted | no mapping |
UserEmailHide | emailhidden |
UserLastLogin | no mapping |
ConfirmationCode | confirmationcode |
created time.now | |
modified use default value | |
notes null |
authorxref to addons_users
Old Database | New Database |
ID | addon_id |
UserID | user_id |
created time.now | |
modified use default value |
add-on specific information (per addon ID)
main to addons, translations
Old Database | New Database |
ID | id |
GUID | guid |
Name | translations.localized_string insert into translations, then fetch id name |
Type | addontype_id will have to find type in type table |
DateAdded | created |
DateUpdated | modified |
Homepage | translations.localized_string insert id into homepage |
Description | translations.localized_string insert into translations, then fetch id description |
Rating | averagerating |
downloadcount | weeklydownloads |
TotalDownloads | totaldownloads |
devcomments | translations.localized_string insert id into developercomments |
icon use default value | |
Description | translations.localized_string take up to 250 characters but not more than the first line, do not break inside a word, add ellipsis if break is not at the end of sentence insert into translations, then fetch id summary |
inactive use default value | |
prerelease use default value | |
adminreview use default value | |
sitespecific use default value | |
externalsoftware use default value | |
approvalnotes use NULL | |
eula use NULL | |
privacypolicy use NULL |
version to versions, files, applications_versions
Old Database | New Database |
vID | versions.id |
ID | versions.addon_id |
Version | versions.version |
MinAppVer_int | no mapping |
MaxAppVer_int | no mapping |
DateAdded | versions.created |
DateUpdated | versions.modified |
Notes | translations.localized_string insert id into versions.releasenotes |
addons.approvalnotes empty string | |
versions.created time.now | |
modified use default value |
Old Database | New Database |
AppID | applications_versions.application_id |
vID | applications_versions.version_id |
MinAppVer | applications_versions.min look up in appversions table ambiguous versions are translated via the technique outlined in update:ToublesInAddonMigration. Missing versions are added to the appversiontable |
MaxAppVer | applications_versions.max look up in appversions table ambiguous versions are translated via the technique outlined in update:ToublesInAddonMigration. Missing versions are added to the appversiontable |
applications_versions.created time.now | |
applications_versions.modified use default value |
Old Database | New Database |
id auto-increment | |
vID | files.version_id |
OSID | files.platform_id |
URI | files.filename use base name only |
Size | files.size |
hash | files.hash |
DateApproved | files.dateapproved |
approved | files.approved mapping -- "YES": 4, "NO": 1, "?":2, "DISABLED":5 |
files.created time.now | |
files.modified use default value |
categoryxref to addons_tags
Old Database | New Database |
ID | addon_id |
CategoryID | tag_id |
previews to previews
Old Database | New Database |
PreviewID | id |
PreviewURI | filedata data from download |
PreviewURI | filetype the MIME type from download |
PreviewURI | thumbdata data from download cooked into an image of 200x150 with aspect ratio preserved (add transparent filler if needed) |
PreviewURI | thumbtype the MIME type from download |
ID | addon_id |
caption | translations.localized_string insert id from translations into into caption |
preview | highlight conversion -- "YES":1, "NO":0 |
created time.now | |
modified use default value |
If we don't migrate add-ons which are only compatible with fx 1.0, then users can upload add-ons with the same em:ID and then users who might have had the old add-ons still installed but disabled (or who are still using fx 1.0) will be updated to the new one.
- No previews were migrated -- but we need to solve this issue to help get images over.
- In order to pull them we'd need to generate the URI and grab them so we can insert them into the proper blob in the previews table
Old db:
mysql> describe previews; +------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | PreviewID | int(11) | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | PreviewURI | varchar(200) | | | | | | ID | int(5) | | MUL | 0 | | | caption | varchar(255) | | | | | | preview | enum('YES','NO') | | | NO | | +------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- "PreviewURI" column points to the relative path of the preview.
- "ID" is the FK to main.ID
- "caption" would get ported to dynamic l10n
- "preview" would be "highlight" in the new previews table
Moving to new db:
- Use "https://addons.mozilla.org".$PreviewURI to grab the image and insert it into the filedata blog in the new db.
- Filetype should be preserved as well so it can display properly in the images controller.
Duplicate Files
- (clouserw) I think there were some duplications within the `files` table. For example:
mysql> select * from files where filename like 'stumbleupon-2.1%'; +--------+------------+-------------+---------------------------------+------+------+------------+--------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | id | version_id | platform_id | filename | size | hash | codereview | status | datestatuschanged | created | modified | +--------+------------+-------------+---------------------------------+------+------+------------+--------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | 133663 | 7507 | 1 | stumbleupon-2.1-fx+fl+mz+ns.xpi | 101 | | 0 | 4 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 2006-12-22 00:20:46 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | | 133664 | 7507 | 1 | stumbleupon-2.1-fx+fl+mz+ns.xpi | 101 | | 0 | 4 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 2006-12-22 00:20:46 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | | 133665 | 7507 | 1 | stumbleupon-2.1-fx+fl+mz+ns.xpi | 101 | | 0 | 4 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 2006-12-22 00:20:46 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | | 133666 | 7507 | 1 | stumbleupon-2.1-fx+fl+mz+ns.xpi | 101 | | 0 | 4 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 2006-12-22 00:20:46 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | +--------+------------+-------------+---------------------------------+------+------+------------+--------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- (morgamic) I think the script may have created duped rows in files because in the old 'version' table rows would be duped except for the app/appversion info -- in this database that data is spliced off. Might want to start there.
- (lars) files are duplicated because sometimes the the same physical file is specified for more than one application (Firefox & Mozilla) - it is very easy to prevent this from resulting in two entries in to the file table. However, if the two entries may not match exactly (hash, approval, etc), the one seen later will superceed the one seen earlier...
Duplicate Categories/Tags
- I haven't looked at the results since last week, but as I recall, there are many duplicate categories. My guess is that this is because in v1/v2, each application has to have its own category, so there might be an "Emo" category for Firefox and a different "Emo" category for Thunderbird, and the add-on is in both of them, but it only shows one because we grouped by name before. We will need to look at this and figure out whether to fix this in the code or migration. Fligtar 16:28, 27 December 2006 (PST)
- (lars) the database schema for the `tags` table requires that we duplicate the entries because it has foreign keys to both the addontypes and applications tables. There are six tags called "Miscellaneous" because we need entries for the addontypes "extension" and "theme" for the applications "Firefox", "Mozilla" and "Thunderbird"
- There are blank filenames in the `files` table - is this a result of the migration?
- (lars) empty filenames in the migration are faithful reproductions from the old database. There are entries in the olddb version table where the URI column is blank. What would you like me to do with them?
- Some sha sums are calculated in the files table, some aren't. Since we're migrating data, would it be useful to calculate hashes while we're at it? (Would it be easily doable?)
Updates, 2007-02-07
Things that we need to tweak:
- When there are multiple files per version/platform (one for each app, for example) AND there is at least one Firefox file, keep the firefox one and get rid of the non-firefox one.
SELECT addons.guid as guid, addons.id as id, addons.addontype_id as type, applications.guid as appguid, appmin.version as min, appmax.version as max, files.filename, files.hash, versions.version as version FROM versions INNER JOIN addons ON versions.addon_id = addons.id AND addons.guid = '{c45c406e-ab73-11d8-be73-000a95be3b12}' AND addons.status = 4 INNER JOIN applications_versions ON applications_versions.version_id = versions.id INNER JOIN applications ON applications_versions.application_id = applications.id AND applications.guid = '{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}' INNER JOIN appversions appmin ON appmin.id = applications_versions.min AND '' >= appmin.version INNER JOIN appversions appmax ON appmax.id = applications_versions.max INNER JOIN files ON files.version_id = versions.id AND (files.platform_id = 1 OR files.platform_id = '3' ) AND files.status = 4 ORDER BY versions.id DESC LIMIT 1
In the case above, when using the migrated data set, the -mz file is returned because it is selected at random. The file should actually be the -fx file.
- Verify main.description is getting trimmed at max 250 chars. when migrating to summary
Final Migration
Clouserw performed the final migration on 2007-03-05:
I expect this script will be retired at this point, but just to be complete, this is what happened with the final run:
- Initial AMOv2 database was loaded with a db dump from v2 from 2007-03-05 08:10am
- Initial AMOv3 database was loaded with remora.sql from r2206
- migration.conf was setup, etc. Final command run was ./migration.py -MAv --recalculateHash > migration.out 2>&1. We had to run the --recalculateHash flag so the script would download new addons (if it finds a hash in the db, it doesn't download the addon)
- The following previews failed to migrate (but there are blank entries for them in the db):
for addon_id 453 for addon_id 453 for addon_id 1240 for addon_id 2904 for addon_id 2584 for addon_id 2945 for addon_id 2584 for addon_id 1778
- Ran the supplemental SQL
- ./migration.py --clearAddons -a `cat amov2_addons_marked_for_deletion` to remove the old disabled addons. Just some housekeeping.