Update:Remora Interactions/Search

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This page describes the Search Interaction for the Remora project. More information about the other interactions can be found on the Remora Interactions page.


Generic search results

results for 'download manager' search

Search results matching category

Search results page indicating category match to search term ('download tools')

Search results with quoted review

Search results with review quoted (text styling has been revised - see other two search results mockups)

Advanced search builder

Advanced search builder concept


1. What advanced search functionality do we want to include?

Two options appear to be: creating a custom search syntax (more challenging to users to understand/learn/utilise) or implementing an itunes-esque search builder (more challenging to manage l10n). JG and MKE feel the itunes-esque search builder to be the better alternative given user-friendliness/expected rate of adoption, especially in view of the site's strong consumer focus.

What do you mean by itunes-esque search ? A "Find As you Type"-style search ? Tbassetto 01:25, 23 August 2006 (PDT)

Mockup uploaded - advanced search builder. --Mkuplens 11:29, 23 August 2006 (PDT)

2. How do we rank/indicate relevance in results?

From our prior discussion, ranking should proceed in two stages: first by location of term, then by rating. Specifically:

First level:

  1. term in Name and Description
  2. term in Name
  3. term in Description

Second level:

  1. Editors' Pick
  2. Great (two star)
  3. Good (one star)
  4. Neutral ('more add-ons')