User:Dmose/Arch of Participation todos
From MozillaWiki
tb-product-focus notes, arch-of-participation notes-
draft -
- set up tracking for Tb/Raindrop contributions, reviews, new contributors as first guiding metrics (in progress)
survey new & existing contributors-
take survey -
post analysis parts overview,frustrations/rewards, other
dig into "decisions & direction data" from survey
- talk to area leads about low hanging fruit from survey, particularly around making the project easier to figure things out (up next)
- mail folks who used to contribute but have left, ask why & if there's anything that would re-interest them
- set up system to monitor various fora for potential new contributors, find out motivations, interests, skill sets for each one, get hooked up with an appropriate mentor/project
- explore simple mentoring program
- basic documentation
- anyone interested could volunteer to find & mentor 1 or 2 people in their area
- explore volunteer recruitment program
- draft/post/iterate product priorities page (bridging focus notes, UX prio page, actual work underway)
- iterate product-focus & part notes
- finish reviewing existing "group feedback" notes
- review experience of getting involved
- document finding code using mxr for dev contributors
- work with jenzed & various volunteers
- generate model of contributor funnel
- make plan to funnel contributors through one central, usable web page
- for each are funnel page, include mibbit embedding, acting on wsmwk's insight that the people who are socializing are much more likely to stay engaged
- set up friends-of-the-tree feed w/graphic from andreasn
- explore uses of Firefox Input like-mechanism for various community processes
- review which bugs get worked on and how that's driven
- review use of wanted+ flag, decide whether still sensible
- update arch of participation plan (this document)
- determine scope (work up from eng processes, or work down from top?)
- enumerate/explore other perspectives mentioned in beginning of overview doc
- spend a bit of time diving into existing discussion & writings on the web
- talk to asa, gerv, mitchell re Participation Metrics module
- talk to MDN folks
- talk to mcolvig & Engagement folks
- review wanted+ usage & decide if it's still sensible
- attack review metrics
- module factoring (revisit old module-owners thread)
- dashboard?
- rewarding small patches?
- cutting some modules?
- work out how to deal with old, stale review backlog
- blog/wiki about screen-sharing for Skype & pair-programming
- see if clarkbw wants to blog about or blog re dreamhost support idea
- rolling add-ons contest?
- iterate on discussion forums
- review current uses of dev-apps-thunderbird
- draft plan for what's next
- create venue for feature/UX discussion (GetSat?)
- look for more low-hanging Bugzilla improvements via Jetpack
- someday / maybe
- IRC office hours a la
- play with github
- put together mechanism to notify patchers what version of Tb their patch is likely to first ship in