User:Fligtar/Stats Dashboard/Data

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Stats Dashboard Data

No data

  • If there is no data for an add-on, instead of a graph there should be a warning box in the graph area that says there is no data.
  • The summary box below should have 0s and "no data" for all dates except the add-on creation date under Total Downloads

Not enough data

  • If there is only one data row for a particular graph other than summary, instead of the graph there should be a warning box that says there's not enough data to display that graph.
  • The summary box data will vary, it may not be 0s depending on if there is some data available.

Admin Disabled

  • If the Stats Dashboard has been disabled in the Admin Control Panel, normal users/developers should only see a warning box that says it is disabled.
  • Admins will have access to the dashboard as usual, except the disabled box will still show up under the graph to make it apparent that the dashboard is disabled for normal users.