User:Rsx11m/Thunderbird:Preference Scoring

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This collection reflects the preference panes as of 3.0b1

Column legend of the following tables:

Element Name Text of Label Related Bug Rsx11m

Legend for UI elements: (1st column, links to source)

  • B = button
  • C = checkbox
  • P = colorpicker
  • F = filefield
  • A = label
  • L = listbox
  • M = menulist
  • R = radiogroup
  • T = textbox

Text of Label: (2nd column)

  • current, proposed, or removed

Related Bugs: (3rd column)

  • pending(version), unconfirmed or won't-fixed, fixed
  • bugv: affects a group of UI elements following this one

Legend for scores: (4th and following columns)

  1. Element should be located directly in a main pane
  2. Element located in a separate dialog of main pane
  3. Element located in a tab of the Advanced pane
  4. Element to be removed from user interface
  • Suffix a: Candidate for account-specific preference
  • Suffix s: Candidate for server-specific preference
  • Suffix m: Move to a different preference pane

General Pane

(C)alwaysCheckDefault Always check to see if &brandShortNam bug 452890v 1or3(1)
(B)checkNow Check Now... 1or3
(C)enableStartPage When &brandShortName; launches, show the bug 452909v 1
(T)location Location: 2or3
(B)useDefault Restore Default 2or3
(C)showAnimatedAlert Show an alert 1
(B)customizeMailAlert Customize... 1
(CR)playSound Play a sound bug 311640v 1
(F)customsound Use the following sound file 2a(2)
(B)browse Browse... 2a
(B)play Play 2a
(B)manageAddons Manage Addons... bug 456869 1or3


  1. Firefox has those upfront in the Main panel; while bug 452890 is still open for some cleanup, considering it fixed for the purpose of the list.
  2. It may be actually useful to have different sounds for different accounts, thus easier to distinguish those when new mail arrives.

Notifications Dialog

(C)previewText Message Preview Text 2
(C)subject Subject 2
(C)sender Sender 2

Display Pane

(P)textColor Text Color: 2(1)
(P)backgroundColor Background Color: 2(1)
(C)convertEmoticons Display emoticons as graphics bug 448708v 2
(R)displayWidth Plain Text Messages 1
(M)style Style: 1
(M)size Size: 1
(P)color Color: 2(1)
(B)fontOptions Fonts... 1
(B)addTagButton Add 2(2)
(B)editTagButton Edit 2
(B)removeTagButton Delete 2


  1. Color settings can be separated or merged into the Fonts dialog to build an Advanced Settings dialog, more important to have the font sizes upfront for display.
  2. Separate dialog or pane for tags?

Fonts Dialog

(M)language Fonts for: 2
(M)proportional Proportional: bug 452711 1and2(1)
(M)sizes Size (pixels) bug 452711 1and2(1)
(M)serif Serif: 2
(M)sans-serif Sans-serif: 2
(M)monospace Monospace: 1or2
(M)sizes Size (pixels) bug 452711 1and2(1)
(M)minSize Minimum Font Size: 2
(C)useDocumentFonts Allow messages to use other fonts 2
(M)sendDefaultCharset Outgoing Mail: bug 373590 2or3m(2)
(M)viewDefaultCharsetList Incoming Mail: bug 373590 2or3(2)
(C)forceCharsetOverride Apply the default character encoding bug 408335 4
(C)replyInDefaultCharset2 When possible, use the default character bug 410333 2or3m(2)


  1. Sizes (both proportional and monospace) should move to or be repeated in the main Display pane, frequently users modify the Composition sizes in order to increase or decrease display sizes since those are too hidden in the Fonts dialog.
  2. Outgoing character encoding is misplaced in the Fonts dialog, should go into Composition, or all character-encoding settings into advanced.

Composition Pane

(M)forwardMsg Forward messages: bug 215252 1
(C)addExtension add extension to file name 2
(C)replyQuoteInline Quote the contents of displayed inl bug 445088(v2) 2or3
(CT)autoSave Auto Save every bug 448703 2
(C)useMIME For messages that contain 8-bit bug 448702 4
(C)warnOnSendAccelKey Confirm when using keyboard shortcut to bug 448705 1or2(1)
(T)wrapOutMsg Wrap plain text messages at bug 448706 3or4
(M)font Font: bug 448701v 1(2)
(M)size Size: 1
(P)fontColor Text Color: 2
(P)bgColor Background Color: 2
(B)restoreHTMLDefaults Restore Defaults 1
(B)sendOptions Send Options... 2
(C)addressingEnable Local Address Books bug 448699v 1a
(CM)directories Directory Server: 1or2a
(B)editDirectories Edit Directories... 1or2a
(CM)emailCollectionPicker Automatically add outgoing e-mail addres 1a
(C)spellCheck Check spelling before sending 1or2
(CM)spellCheckInline Enable spell check as you type 1
(A)downloadDictionaries Download More Dictionaries 1or2


  1. I'd keep it either here or in an advanced area rather than moving to Main.
  2. The composition font settings are rather confusing as they are not actually linked to a fixed font name, and the sizes are not true point sizes.

Sendoptions Dialog

(M)sendMaildesc When sending messages in HTML format and 2
(L)HTMLTab HTML Domains 2
(B)AddHtmlDomain Add... 2
(B)DeleteHtmlDomain Delete 2
(L)PlainTextTab Plain Text Domains 2
(B)AddPlainText Add... 2
(B)DeletePlainText Delete 2

Privacy Pane

(CR)manualMark When I mark messages as junk: bug 448710v 1or3a
(C)markAsReadOnSpam Mark messages determined to be Junk as r 1or3a
(C)enableJunkLogging Enable junk filter logging 2or3
(B)openJunkLog Show log 2or3
(B)resetTrainingData Reset Training Data 2or3
(C)enablePhishingDetector1 Tell me if the message I'm reading is a 1or3
(C)useDownloadedList Use a downloaded list of suspected em bug 368635 1or3(1)
(C)antiVirus Allow anti-virus clients to quarantine i 1or3
(C)encryptEnabled Use a master password to encrypt stored 1
(B)setMasterPassword Master Password 1
(B)removeMasterPassword Remove Master Password... 1
(B)editPasswords Edit Saved Passwords 1


  1. This option has been disabled until such functionality becomes available

JunkLog Dialog

(B)clearLog Clear Log 2or3

Viewpasswords Dialog

(B)remove Remove Action 2or3
(B)removeall Remove All 2or3
(B)togglePasswords Show Passwords 2or3

Attachments Pane

(R)askOnSave Attachments Folder bug 448698v 3a(1)
(F)neverAsk Save all attachments to this folder: 3a
(B)chooseFolderWin Browse... 3a
(B)configureActions View & Edit Actions... 1m(2)
(C)replyQuoteInline Quote the contents of displayed inl bug 445088(v1) 1or3(3)
(M)contentDisposition Send attachments with a disposition bug 445088(v1) 1or3(3)


  1. If kept global, Firefox has the download folders in the Main pane.
  2. This could go into a more useful "Applications" pane as in Firefox, and should have the file extension available for editing as the MIME type is determined from it when sending attachments.
  3. These new prefs also may be moved into the Composition or Advanced panes.

Downloadactions Dialog

(B)clear Clear 1or3
(B)remove Remove Action 1or3
(B)edit Change Action... 1or3
(B)button.close Close 1or3

Changeaction Dialog

(B)changeApp Browse... 2or3
(B)chooseFolder Browse... 2or3

Advanced Pane

(B)showReturnReceipts Return Receipts... 3a
(C)alwaysCheckDefault Always check to see if &brandShortName bug 452890v 3
(B)checkNow Check Now... 3
(C)enableGloda Enable Message Indexer bug 455978 3
(B)configEdit Config Editor... 3
(CR)autoMarkAsRead Automatically mark messages as read 3m(1)
(T)markAsReadDelay After displaying for 3m
(R)openMsgIn Open messages in: bug 448695 3m(1)
(C)showCondensedAddresses Show only display name for people in my bug 448692 3a
(C)rememberLastMsg Remember the last selected message bug 448694 3or4
(C)showFolderColumns Show expanded columns in the folder pane 3m(1)
(B)showSettings Settings... bug 451620 3m(2)
(T)connectionTimeout Connection timeout: bug 451620 3or4s(2)
(B)showOffline Offline... 3m(2)
(TB)useCacheBefore Use up to MB of space for the cache bug 451599 3(3)
(CT)offlineCompact Compact folders when it will save over bug 448697 3
(C)enableAppUpdate &brandShortName; 3
(C)enableAddonsUpdate Installed Add-ons 3
(R)whenUpdatesFound When updates to &brandShortName; are fou 3
(C)modeAutoAddonWarn Warn me if this will disable any of my a 3
(B)showUpdates Show Update History 3
(B)viewCertificates View Certificates 3
(B)viewCRLs Revocation Lists 3
(B)validation Validation 3
(B)viewSecurityDevices Security Devices 3


  • Note that bug 456872 has moved various prefs into a new Advanced > Display tab, the new order is reflected here.
  1. Possibly move to the Display pane.
  2. If another level of dialog within a tab should be avoided, this would be a separate tab in the Advanced pane.
  3. Depending on bug 439731, a checkbox for enabling IMAP caching may be added.

Receipts Dialog

(C)requestReceipt When sending messages, always request a 3
(R)receiptArrive When a receipt arrives: 3
(R)requestMDN When I receive a request for a return re 3
(M)notInToCc If I'm not in the To or Cc of the messag 3
(M)outsideDomain If the sender is outside my domain: 3
(M)otherCases In all other cases: 3


  • This may be a tab in Advanced or a subdialog in the Account Settings.

Connection Dialog

(R)proxyTitle Configure Proxies to Access the Internet 3
(TT)http HTTP Proxy: 3
(C)shareproxy Use this proxy server for all protocols 3
(TT)ssl SSL Proxy: 3
(TTR)socks SOCKS Host: 3
(T)noproxy No Proxy for: 3
(T)autoTypeRadio Automatic proxy configuration URL: 3
(B)reload Reload 3


  • Connection time out from bug 451620, unless becoming per-server setting.
  • This may be a tab in the Advanced pane.

Offline Dialog

(R)textStartUp When starting up: 3
(R)textGoingOnline Send unsent messages when going online? 3
(R)textGoingOffline Download messages for offline use when g 3