Verbatim:Meeting Notepad

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Verbatim » Meeting Notepad

October 17th, 2008

Attendees: friedel, winterstream, julen, dukebody, paulproteus, clouserw (IRC meeting; transcript available)

  • Pootle Status
    • Released 1.2 (yay)
    • Expect to release 1.2.1 soon but shouldn't affect trunk
  • Mozootle status
    • trunk merged to mozootle around r8715
    • One known blocker bug: statistics are all shown as complete after a long period of time. No idea why.
  • Framework to replace jToolkit with?
    • Due to broad support for django we'll plan on migrating to the Django 1.0 framework
  • Timeline
    • (todo:friedel and walter_l) Commit any testing framework that we need for functional tests and write a couple example tests as soon as possible to encourage contributions
    • (todo) Get enough functional tests so everyone is comfortable with merging mozootle->trunk and jtoolkit->django
    • (todo:winterstream) Preview and prepare to merge mozootle->trunk. Revisit this on Weds, Oct 22

September 25, 2008

Attendees: julen, friedel, clouserw (IRC meeting; full transcript)

  • Pootle status
    • Hit some snags for 1.2 release:
      • Sourceforge migration broke build scripts; mostly fixed
      • Bug in file upload code exists
      • Would like to look at bug 490
    • Would like to do 1.2 release early next week depending on bug progress
  • Verbatim status
    • Quietly launched an alpha version. Two blocker bugs exist still:
      • approve/reject suggestions isn't working (this is mozootle specific)
      • search isn't working. Not sure if this is the same problem as pootle-bug 490 or not.
        • (julen) Wynand fixed something similar last week in trunk (r8413 and maybe 8254)
    • (todo:clouserw) merge trunk->mozootle
    • Design is pretty much done. Only mozilla-specific thing is the dino head in the logo which should be easy to swap out
  • What do we want to replace jToolkit with?
    • (clouserw) I like the looks of both pylons and django. They're different philosophies (full-stack vs. glue) and either should work for us.
      • django uses a custom ORM; pylons would use SQLAlchemy
      • django uses a custom templating engine; pylons uses any number of engines including our currently used Kid
      • django has excellent documentation
      • volunteers on the mailing list have mentioned helping move to django
    • (todo) We need to decide on a framework
  • Merging mozootle->trunk
  • Mozilla Q4 goals
    • Meetings are happening this week. Need to have some verbatim goals.
    • Webdev Radar, including verbatim goals
      • Dropped "notifications" goal; will spend more time on polish and fixing bugs as the app is used. Notifications will be added once we move from jToolkit
  • Current Timeline
    • Do Pootle 1.2 release (hopefully next week)
    • Advertise Verbatim release more widely (next week)
    • Merge mozootle->trunk; (Aiming to release around mid-november). Would like to start working on this after Pootle1.2 has a week or so to bake.
    • Convert framework from jToolkit to whatever we decide (expect to start around mid-november)

May 8, 2008

Attendees: dwayne, friedel, sethb, mic, clouserw, axel

  • I see and read about support for XLIFF - is that just a conversion to .po, or are you reworking the internals of Pootle to deal with XLIFF?
    • (dwayne) Originally conversion was all to .po. Now we're looking at moving to XLIFF
    • Pootle can already read/write as XLIFF.
    • With XLIFF:
      • can store location of file in the l10n process
      • can mark a variable in a piece of text using the xliff format
  • Can we work with AMO file formats?
    • We can write conversion scripts to convert to .po
  • (clouserw) uses flat HTML files for localization. Do you have any scripts or recommendations for localizing these files?
    • (dwayne) Two ideas:
      • Generate the flat files from .po's with a script
      • Build a script to try to parse the HTML. Haven't had the best luck with this in the past.
  • (seth) How do the translation suggestions handle multiple suggestions?
    • (friedel) These are just suggestions, it's still the responsibility of the translator to know.
  • (seth) Do you have ideas and/or intentions to cleanup the layout and make it less cluttered?
    • (dwayne) Yes, we'd like to merge the edit/view pages; replace the text with icons to save space
  • (seth) You mentioned an error correction module - can you describe what that is?
    • (friedel) Looks at syntax of files to verify correct markup as well as common l10n errors
  • (clouserw) I've been digging into the admin features, specifically looking at the goals - are those per file?
    • (Dwayne) Have the ability to define goals, and inside of that goal you can add files and people. This was created with a slightly different mindset; more for large groups of people in the same room. The goals require online interaction.
  • (clouserw) One thing I missed in the screencasts were interaction with a source repository. Are there further screencasts planned?
    • Yep
  • (clouserw) I'm a little worried about the scalability of all these flat files and repository commands. Has there been any load testing?
    • (dwayne) Openoffice is the largest install right now (around a half million words per language). There have been some complaints about speed, mostly around the search engine (lucene).
    • Working on addressing speed issues as they come, making it more memory efficient, etc.
    • (friedel) Have looked at moving statistics, etc. to a database. This work is not in the stable version yet
  • (clouserw) The authentication is just a flat file at this point - are there any other auth modules available like LDAP or some kind of SSO?
    • (dwayne) No, OpenID was planned for a SoC project but fell through.