Webdev/Web Production/Meetings/2011-10-07
From MozillaWiki
< Webdev | Web Production | Meetings
- cmore
- malexis
- ckoehler
There has been a variety of ways we actively track project milestones and tasks during the lifecycle of a project. Each of us do it differently and we don't have any documentation on a standard.
- Define columns for active project spreadsheet
- Define how granular we want to track a project
- One sheet for everything?
- Gantt chart?
Example of the Affiliates timeline
Secondary to this topic, let's discuss any additional fields that we want to capture on the new and improved project request form and how we can make it correlate with the project prioritization matrix.
Etherpad for notes: http://etherpad.mozilla.org:9000/kmWGnq2M2U
Comments about project tracking:
- less granular
- keep start and end dates
- like the biz dates, but try to make the actual be a formula
- test out the google templates to see if there is any benefit to them
- add notes field