Webdev/Web Production/Meetings/2012-02-14
From MozillaWiki
< Webdev | Web Production | Meetings
- cmore
- ckoehler
- bensternthal
- malexis
- mbrandt
- cbrodigan
- fwenzel
- yboily
Previous Action Items
- Fred to check to see if he needs a WPE on BetaFarm, if so, Ben has bandwidth - Ben to be WPE - meeting 2/14
* Yes. Ben to attend the next BetaFarm meeting to help determine scope and requirements.
- Ckoehler to schedule a meeting with nobox to get on the same page with video.
Update Projects
- Review: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhiX365xacl1dEVpSXY0Q2JSMDVaUTljaGhHXzVKOWc#gid=11
- Say hello to the new web prod homepage: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Webdev/Web_Production
- Zeus issues and IT will probably be switching out services to netscaler
- Concern that there may be two sites similar to Moz spaces for the time being. Ben and Chrissie are aware.
- Getpersonas.com / AMO merge is up in the air now.
- Sandstone! http://people.mozilla.org/~smartell/sandstone/
Action Items
- cmore to scan all websites for personas text on Moz websites
- ckoehler to talk to wenzel about resources for people tools updates
- cmore to search for old grey tabs. -Tabzilla https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=726830