From MozillaWiki
This is our weekly check-in meeting.
- Start time: 3:30pm
- End time: 4:00pm
- Laura Forrest - PM
- Mike Alexis - Web Program Manager
- Chris More - TPM
- Fred Wenzel - Flux
- Review action items: Laura's requirements documentation here
- WebDev interest?
- Snippet Service Maintenance vs HTML5 awesomeness- should the two products have two different check-in meetings? Wiki pages? etc.
Past Open Items
- Mike/Chris: Talk to WebDev and see who would be interested in being involved with the project.
- Laura: Create a more formal requirements document (managing snippets, HTML5 features to promote, analytic reporting, etc.) (DONE) - lets review this in the meeting
- Fred: No replies, but he talked to some people and there was interest.
- Fred: We should give people some creative freedom
- Laura: We do have priorities to give more focus.
- Laura: We should have a brown-bag-like/brainstorm with developers on what should we create with HTML5 snippets.
Action Items
- Fred: Will talk to add-ons people if we can do add-on HTML5 snippets
- Laura: Talk to PMM Dan Horner about what kind of add-ons to feature
- Chris: Schedule hacking session for HTML5 snippets (later in the afternoon with beer)
- Laura: To give Chris access to the Snippets admin
- Chris: Create tracking bug for Snippet Service Maintenance