Festival2011/Popcorn Bounties II
Have you ever wanted to do more with video than just embed it? Maybe augment it, add data and commentary, or collaborate in real-time on a moving image? Open video tools like popcorn make video as mashable as other services on the web — but now they need active development. Pitch in to create concepts and plugins that expand the web video universe.
Course facilitators
Skills Needed
What you need from participants for the session.
Post-Event Participation
How people can get involved with your project after the festival.
Session hash tags specifically for notes on your session, and hash tags specific to your project for promotion.
Relevant links
Don't just do it, let people know what you did! Links to all assets generated during your session, photos, video's, blog posts, sketches, all the artifacts from your session.
EtherPad for the session to take notes and collaborate