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Meeting Details
- Time and location: Wednesday, 9 AM PST, conf bridge 206
- irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel
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Previous Action Items
stas & pike: send out the notes from the meeting with legal about verbatim's licensing - chofmann: compile the list of issues we're trying to solve for verbatim
stas: talk to dboswell about communication channels for people who want to get involved -
stas: have the newsgroups created - review axel's interview questions for the comms role
gandalf: set up a meeting to discuss the world ready slides
Meeting Notes
- Notetaker: stas
- Attendees: chofmann, stas, pike, pascalc, milos, kadir, gandalf
- (pike) Danish for mobile
- pike emailed the Danish team
- the last signoff is for mobile4
- we have a signoff of fx5, which is 5 minor changes away from what Pike would like to take for mobile5
- we will take the latest good changeset and email the Danish team about why we did this and that we won't do it again
- (kadir) Follow-up on meeting with legal for verbatim
- we need an owner: Kadir volunteered
- what do we mean by "webdev" in the notes? stas: the webdev team; let's not do this using our own resources
- credits
- (stas) trying out transifex for Verbatim
- tabled for now, stas will pick it up in Q3
- (stas) Firefox Home localization
- we don't know a lot about this project
- it's a web service tied to the product (Firefox)
- it will be updated independently of the product releases
- stas will probably help stuart figure out the l10n process, pike's help will be appreciated
- (stas/pike) new locales: process, ownership and progress
- process:
- add to aurora, not central
- yes
- triage board
- L10n:Review_notes are the technical details
- update for bug-o-gram required
- the bugogram need to be updated
- elmo needs a hotfix to include this update
- (stas) .com/.org merge, bedrock & webdashboard
- meeting with cbrodigan tomorrow
- pike/pascalc/milos to meet in Paris early July to discuss the opportunities to change the process of mozilla.com web l10n
- pike is on PTO next week, stas will cover for him
Action Items
chofmann: set up a meeting to compile the list of issues we're trying to solve for verbatim -
axel: send the link to the etherpad with the interview questions for the comms role -
all: review axel's interview questions for the comms role -
pike: email the Danish team about the changeset taken for fennec5 without a signoff -
stas: talk to stuart about creating a feature page for new Firefox Home- stuart will create the feature page the week of June 13 or June 20.
- pike: set up a triage meeting about new locales
- pike:
update the bugogramand deploy the hotfix to l10n-stage-sj - stas/milos: set up a wiki page about the Bedrock project and what it means for us
Mobile is still in sync with the desktop release schedule:
- weekly beta releases (just launched Beta 6 yesterday)
- Fx5 mobile launch scheduled for next Tuesday, June 21
- Mozilla Balkans meetup
- Learned that Firefox Desktop and Mobile go to the last Beta build today on Friday
- Desktop misses strings on th, and some small locales
- Mobile didn't get a sign-off for Danish
- making progress on data1.1, but it's slow, profiling needed
- webhero fb tab launched, with hiccups
- pull request for Playdoh to make it more compliant with the l10n process that we currently have for localizing campaign websites
- reorganized L10n:WorldReady a bit
- created a project page for L10n:WorldReady/Simple_English
- Mozilla Balkans event
- Separated pyast, pyjs and pyl20n modules from silme, code cleanups, parser/AST rewrite for L20n
- Worked on Pontoon next steps with Matjaz and created a QA Mode for pontoon based on the Balkans event feedback
- World Ready slide deck meeting, feedback gathering and iteration 2
- Created a webtest for releases that outlines which locales we built are or are not in product-details because this is currently done manually and we often have errors leading to locales not being officially shipped for a few days. LegNeato will add this test to the Check List on release days
- built several variants of the French download page for A/B testing
- Migrated all features pages from europe.mozilla.org to mozilla.com
- plugincheck localization going fine, 25 locales done
- work on mozilla.com webhero page with Milos, almost ready to launch
- XP campaign page built and being translated
- kept working on europe.mozilla.org migration and started brainstorming future content, syncing with Chrissie Brodigan on product pages
- fixed a snippet bug for google
- webhero to mozilla.com
- contributor pages for mozeu
- plugincheck
- published the bugzilla-c3po script
- Mozilla Balkans in Sofia with Pike, Gandalf, Chofmann, William, Pierros and community
- fixed fx5_beta [sr]
- helped pascal a bit with moving mozeu features pages to mozilla.com
Talking point:
- Follow-up on meeting with legal?